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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, July 18, 2016 <br />Page 5 <br />Councilmember Etten stated he would not support this motion, as he had not sup- <br />ported denial of the request last week, since he found the subdivision request sup- <br />ported by city code. <br />Mayor Roe noted that he had not supported last week's denial either, and there- <br />fore could not support a motion to memorialize that denial. However, Mayor Roe <br />noted he was less troubled by drainage on this site as he was with drainage on the <br />1861 site. <br />Councilmember Laliberte expressed her willingness to support a motion to amend <br />the motion deleting the second finding. <br />Mayor Roe clarified that, procedurally, that was not an option. <br />City Attorney Gaughan concurred with Mayor Roe, further clarifying that this <br />resolution is not the official action, but simply an additional step used per city <br />policy to memorialize its findings as per last week's motion denying the subdivi- <br />sion request. City Attorney Gaughan noted those findings remained as approved <br />by motion July 11 t", and if any changes were desired by the Council to be made, <br />then a motion to reconsider that motion would be appropriate. <br />Roll Call <br />Ayes: McGehee and Laliberte. <br />Nays: Etten and Roe. <br />Motion failed for lack of majority. <br />City Attorney Gaughan sought to further clarify for the City Council the intent of <br />this resolution. City Attorney Gaughan noted the resolution that by voting "nay" <br />on the resolution, individual Councilmembers were in effect stating they didn't <br />believe these are the actual findings voted on last week. City Attorney Gaughan <br />noted that was not actually in dispute. <br />As having voted against the denial of the subdivision request last week, Mayor <br />Roe stated his lack of support of a resolution memorializing the findings; even <br />while understanding the point made by City Attorney Gaughan. <br />With two "nay" votes on the prevailing side for the motion to memorialize find- <br />ings for denial as adopted last week, City Attorney Gaughan noted it would be up <br />to Mayor Roe or Councilmember Etten to bring a motion to reconsider findings <br />next week for the purpose of casting a new vote as to whether or not this new res- <br />olution reflects those findings for denial from last week's meeting. <br />Councilmember McGehee expressed her difficulty in understanding the "nay" <br />votes, when last week the majority vote supported denial in accordance with the <br />findings as stated, and as memorialized in this resolution. Councilmember McGe- <br />