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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, July 18, 2016 <br />Page 6 <br />hee stated that to vote against affirmation of that record, seemed to her perplexing <br />and inappropriate. <br />Mayor Roe noted it was the prerogative for any individual councilmember to vote <br />as they saw fit on any item. <br />Councilmember Laliberte asked Councilmember Etten if he was clear on the in- <br />tent of this resolution affirming last week's action. <br />Councilmember Etten stated his agreement as noted by Mayor Roe; however, he <br />admitted City Attorney Gaughan brought up new thoughts after his "nay" vote to- <br />night. <br />Discussion ensued as to whether to reconsider the vote; with Mayor Roe clarify- <br />ing the motion to reconsider could occur at the meeting where action had been <br />taken or the subsequent meeting. <br />City Attorney Gaughan clarified that while he didn't believe it technically came <br />into play under these circumstances, it could be viewed as setting a poor prece- <br />dent to vote against a resolution such as this in abstract. If under circumstances <br />where the City Council was bound by particular time constraints for which written <br />action may occur, City Attorney Gaughan stated that would be different than this <br />situation when voting to simply memorialize action taken at a previous meeting; <br />and due to the absence of one Councilmember, defacto action was overturned. <br />City Attorney Gaughan again offered his input asking that the City Council keep <br />in mind that this resolution simply memorialized in writing actual events from a <br />previous meeting; and was not asking individual members to confirm the sub- <br />stance of those findings, just the existence of those findings in actuality. City At- <br />torney Gaughan noted the purpose of having this resolution in place was as a <br />means to make sure the written record was clear so the city could clearly uphold <br />its 60-day requirement for written findings and thereby make the record extraor- <br />dinarily clear in through written correspondence to the applicant of those findings; <br />and for an abundance of caution, the past practice of the City Council has also <br />been to further memorialize that action via a resolution. <br />In the spirit of moving forward and in recognition of the legal counsel provided <br />by City Attorney Gaughan, Mayor Roe sought to act so as not obstruct the pro- <br />cess. <br />Motion to reconsider Resolution <br />Roe moved, McGehee seconded to reconsider the resolution memorializing find- <br />ings for denial of the minor subdivision request at 1926 Gluek Lane. <br />Roll Call <br />