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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, July 18, 2016 <br />Page 8 <br />Written comment via letter dated July 18, 2016 and addressed to Councilmembers <br />was provided by Ms. Mencke as part of the record, attached hereto and nzade a <br />part hereof. <br />Similar to Mr. Koland's request, Ms. Mencke requested reconsideration of the de- <br />nial and a new vote to change that previous decision of the City Council. <br />Ms. Mencke summarized the points made in her written comment, disputing the <br />"facts" utilized by the City Council in making their determination for denial. <br />Ms. Mencke introduced her contractor to address drainage issues in support of her <br />request for reconsideration. <br />Licensed Minnesota Residential Contractor Tony Brown <br />Having constructed over 600 homes during his career, Mr. Brown noted he had <br />been met with many challenged, but his goal had always been to find resolution <br />with drainage on lots in an area; and noted his success to-date in solving those <br />problems. <br />Mr. Brown asked the City Council for their expertise with civil engineering in <br />having based their ruling on that expertise. Mr. Brown further asked if the City's <br />engineer had approved calculations for drainage on this site; and asked that the <br />City Council provide a response or seek additional information to determine a so- <br />lution. <br />As noted with the previous item, Mayor Roe clarified that tonight's action was to <br />memorialize action already taken, or a motion to reconsider that previous action <br />to deny. <br />Ms. Mencke <br />In recognizing another home currently under construction in their neighborhood <br />with similar issues, Ms. Mencke questioned how that had received approval when <br />theirs had been denied. <br />Mayor Roe clarified that was not under consideration tonight; and without details <br />of that approval, could not address that. Mayor Roe thanked Ms. Mencke for her <br />testimony and advised the City Council would take under advisement her request <br />to reconsider previous denial. <br />Brad Koland <br />As pointed out by Ms. Mencke, Mr. Koland referenced his written comments <br />(page 6) and calculations he made as a civil engineer, using input provide by the <br />City of Roseville's engineer. Mr. Koland asked any city professional engineer to <br />perform their own calculations, or offered to hire a third party engineer to do so. <br />