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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, July 18, 2016 <br />Page 9 <br />Mr. Koland reiterated his points previously stated, opining that a fact used for de- <br />nial had not been made public nor shared; and as pointed out by Mayor Roe, these <br />requests were usually handled at the administrative level. Therefore, Mr. Koland <br />opined that there was no established precedent for such action, or no rules out- <br />lined by the city. If the city wished to create or make rules, Mr. Koland further <br />opined that it should do so before a subdivision application came forward, as it <br />was not appropriate to create ordinances on one individual submission. While the <br />City Council may recognize there is a drainage issue, Mr. Koland noted there had <br />been no action to prohibit other building within variations of these two requested <br />submissions, and especially with a home currently under construction in the area, <br />he found these denials confusion. <br />John King, 1861 Gluek Lane (applicant and owner) <br />Referring to the public hearing notice map, as displayed, Mr. King addressed run- <br />off to their lot from surrounding lots, with theirs being the lowest lot. Mr. King <br />questioned how and why they should be held accountable for surrounding runoff <br />but unable to deal with the runoff from their parcel into the established drain due <br />to topography and changes made by those surrounding parcels over the years. <br />Mr. King noted the whole mitigation point involves 250 houses above their parcel <br />and those surrounding neighbors whose parcels drain into their yard and flooded <br />their yard with each rainfall. Therefore, Mr. King questioned how any additional <br />impervious surface on their parcel (e.g. driveway) could be deemed excessive, <br />opining such a statement was a complete double standard and misstatement of any <br />reality. Mr. King questioned how his one lot could possibly mitigate drainage for <br />an entire area; and as a Scientist familiar with flow analysis, had come to the con- <br />clusion that there would be zero impact. Therefore, Mr. King opined the reason <br />stated for denial of the requested subdivision was false and nonsensical. <br />Motion to Reconsider <br />Etten moved reconsideration of the previous motion of July 11, 2016. <br />Mayor Roe declared the motion failed due to lack of a second. <br />McGehee moved, Laliberte seconded, adoption of Resolution No. 11338_ (At- <br />tachment A) entitled, "A Resolution Memorializing the DENIAL of a Request for <br />Approval of a Minor Subdivision at 1926 Gluek Lane into Two Parcels (PF16- <br />016);" as amended: changing resolution language from "marginal" to "addi- <br />tiona� " <br />While appreciating the work put forth by the applicant, Councilmember Laliberte <br />reiterated her concerns with this particular area. Also without a full Council at <br />tonight's meeting, Councilmember Laliberte further noted her inability to recon- <br />sider any of that information presented last week during public testimony. <br />