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City Council Meeting Minutes
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7/29/2016 3:26:01 PM
Creation date
7/26/2016 10:35:30 AM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, July 11, 2016 <br />Page 2 <br />Ramsey County Sheriff. Ms. Mills publically thanked Roseville Police Chief <br />Rick Mathwig for his help and feedback, and willingness to be interviewed as <br />well as serving on the panel. As conclusions were arrived at, Ms. Mills noted a <br />subsequent meeting with Ramsey County Attorney john Choi was held focusing <br />on domestic violence as well as with the Executive Director of the Minnesota <br />Board of Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) on training efforts. Ms. <br />Mills advised that a consensus of the LWV was achieved in April of 2016 based <br />on findings of this comprehensive report and represented the position of the <br />LWV. Ms. Mills shared the position statements from the report. <br />Ms. Mills advised that this report had been electronically distributed to the City <br />Council several weeks ago, and noted print copies and electronic copies were also <br />available for the public through the LWV website, as well as viewing the panel <br />discussions held in developing the study at or on Facebook at <br />www. facebook. com/romafh.lwv. <br />Mayor Roe thanked the LWV for the report and the study that went into its prepa- <br />ration. <br />b. Carolyn Cushing, Roseville resident and Member of the LWV <br />On a personal note, Ms. Cushing reviewed her vast service to the community and <br />area in donating time in the community and area as a resident since 1963, as well <br />as serving as the past President of the LWV. Ms. Cushing noted she had always <br />been proud of living in Roseville and proud of its government, thus her service on <br />various committees with and for Roseville and for Ramsey County. Ms. Cushing <br />expressed her personal distress that the LWV had been removed from the agenda <br />to present their study; and to-date, the lack of questions received from the City <br />Council. Ms. Cushing stated this was very different treatment from what the <br />LWV had received from other communities in which they were involved, and <br />and expressed her disappointment and lack of being aware of this ever having <br />happened before. Ms. Cushing noted that the LWV had always been recognized <br />� high-level and pertinent work on various issues. Ms. Cushing noted Mayor Roe's <br />comments tonight seeking construction conversation; and opined it seemed to her <br />that if anyone could do that, it was the LWV. <br />Ms. Cushing also offered hard copies of the final report available to anyone mak- <br />ing a request. <br />Mayor Roe clarified that the LWV had not been removed from tonight's agenda; <br />but having requested time on the agenda, given meeting time constraints, the <br />broader point and purpose had been achieved in bringing the study forward for <br />public awareness. <br />5. Council and City Manager Communications, Reports, and Announcements <br />
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