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Variance Board Resolution_122
Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Variance Board
Variance Board Resolution_122
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Last modified
8/26/2016 2:33:06 PM
Creation date
8/17/2016 1:36:33 PM
Commission/Authority Name
Variance Board
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int� the re�uired front yard setback �s the result Qf reusin� an existir�g foundation, <br />rather than excavating it and disposin� of it in a landfill, and not excavatin� to remove <br />the foundation and 5ewer and w�ater services helps ta �reserv� mature trees n�ar the <br />house that would likely be dama�ed or killed by such a disturbance, both of which are <br />consistent with environrnental goals in the Comprehensive Plan. <br />c. The proposal is in harmony with the purposes and intent of the zonin� o�dinances <br />because the rear yard of the �ubject �roperty abuts the side yard of its neighbor, so the <br />praposed encroachment of the structure into the subject property's rear yard would <br />not be encroaching u�on the nei�hbor's rear yard where ��reater space and pr�vacy are <br />expected, and w•hile the additional hei�ht of the structure �vithin the substandaEd front <br />setback will increase the'building mass in nonconforming locatio�, the existin,� <br />mature trees should help to diminish the appearance of the seeond story. Furthermore, <br />the proposed front porch w-ouid extenc� closer to the front pro�erty line than permitted, <br />but the scale of the prQposed greater �ncroachment (i.e., 5`/� feet into a 21-foot <br />setback) is equivalent to the porch encroachment permitted by the zonin� cod�. <br />d. The proposal puts the subject property to use in a reasonab9e manner because the <br />propo�ed development features a m�derately sized house, an attached, twa-car garage <br />that is set behind the front of the house, and a front porch, canfigured in such a way as <br />to preserve existing, mature tree. <br />e. There are unique circumstances to the property which w°ere not created by the <br />landowner because the subject property tivas platted and the former home was built in <br />19��, before Roseville had adopted subdivision and zonin� codes; the substandard <br />depth and irregular shape of the property complicate the desi�n of a home that <br />confarms to appiieable zaning requirements, especiaily when it would have to <br />account �or a faundation and basement exeavation rhat cannat be used. <br />f. The variance w�ill not alter the essential character afth� loeality because allowing the <br />praposed house and poreh to encroach into the front and rear yard setbacks r�ould <br />facilitate a lar,er home to be built, partl� within the required front yard, but it w•ould <br />not creat� a n��� nonconforming setback for the home, the attached garage �vould b�e <br />marginally farther fram the rear property line than th� forrrier detached garage, and the <br />porch would be a desirable feature that en�ances the residential character af the home <br />despite part of it standinb closer to the front property line than the zoning code allow� <br />I�OW THEREFORE BE IT RESQLVED, by t}�e Roseville Variance Board, to appro�•e <br />the requested variance to � l OQ�.08 of the City Code, based on the above findings, the proposed <br />plan, and the testimony offered at the public hearin�. <br />The motion for the adoptifln of the foregoing resolucion was duly secor►ded by Varianee <br />Board Member Daire and upon vote bein� taken thereon, the follow°ing voted in favor: Chair <br />Murphy and Members Daire an� Gitzen; <br />and none vated against: <br />WHEREUPQN said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. <br />Page 2 of 3 <br />
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