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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, July 25, 2016 <br />Page 6 <br />their final 30-day compliance notice from the city seriously, the staff would have <br />been forced to bring a non-renewal action item before the City Council. Coun- <br />cilmember Etten questioned if the property owner took the actual gravity of the <br />situation seriously. <br />Mayor Roe asked Mr. Englund staf�s rational in recommending a three-year re- <br />newal versus a shorter renewal period, given the property owner's compliance <br />record to-date. Also, Mayor Roe asked the ramifications if the City Council does <br />not approve the three-year renewal, and the process and options available to the <br />property owner in applying for renewal for a term less than three years. <br />Mr. Englund noted staffl s recommendation for a three-year renewal term was due <br />to their final 30-day inspection after this year's scheduled inspections, seeking <br />correction of remaining violations within that timeframe or ramifications. At that <br />most recent inspection on June 30, 2016, Mr. Englund reported that all necessarv <br />violations had been corrected; thus staff's recommended three-year renewal. Mr. <br />Englund reported four remaining minor outstanding violations were within one <br />apartment that was inaccessible to management or city staff due to sensitivity of <br />the unit's occupant(s). Mr. Englund noted that the city's license term is based on <br />the number of violations that dictated the length of term; and with four remaining <br />violations, that puts them in the three-year renewal category. <br />At the request of Councilmember McGehee, Mr. Englund reviewed the nature of <br />the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) as detailed in the RCA of this date, <br />with all but one item completed; and thus the notice if all items are not completed, <br />a public meeting before the City Council would occur for revocation of the cur- <br />rent license and staff s recommendation for non-renewal. However, as noted by <br />Mayor Roe, all items listed in the MOU have been brought into compliance as of <br />the last city inspection. <br />Councilmember McGehee asked the nature of the violation categories found dur- <br />ing the most recent May 2016 inspection. <br />Mr. Englund reviewed the various categories, noting most involved minor <br />maintenance issues: inoperable bath fan, broken patio door latch, and only one life <br />safety item due to missing fire and carbon monoxide detectors. Mr. Englund ad- <br />vised the remainder were considered minor maintenance issues, with the most <br />significant violation being painting of the building's exterior, which has now also <br />been completed. <br />Councilmember McGehee stated it seemed that the current city policy for ad- <br />dressing violations had been addressed even though this was a fairly new program <br />and procedure. Councilmember McGehee noted it seemed Councilmember Etten <br />was questioning if the city's policy needed revised; and agreed with concerns if <br />involving health, safety and welfare of Roseville citizens. However, Coun- <br />