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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
8/26/2016 2:31:57 PM
Creation date
8/17/2016 1:47:26 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, July 25, 2016 <br />Page 7 <br />cilmember McGehee opined that if the issue happens to be one particular prob- <br />lematic tenant that had removed smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. it created <br />a tricky situation, and made her question whether it was necessary to change a <br />policy based on the established process followed by staff in this instance. <br />At the request of Mayor Roe, Mr. Englund reviewed staff s rationale for putting <br />in place a six month MOU to address seasonal timing for exterior painting, and <br />budgeting, hiring and having work completed by a contractor as weather permit- <br />ted. As noted by Mayor Roe, Mr. Englund clarified that the property owner was <br />no longer served by the MOU upon completion of the exterior painting and other <br />violations; and thus now on their honor, since there would be no inspections, if <br />this renewal was approved, until the end of the three-year term. <br />In terms of grounds to deviate from the current numerical violations standards in <br />code, Mayor Roe questioned if the City Council had any discretion similar to that <br />in its liquor licensing process. <br />City Attorney Gaughan advised that if staff and the City Council have agreed and <br />approved these particular rules, standards and procedures, they be followed ac- <br />cordingly to ensure equal treatment. <br />Willmus moved, McGehee seconded, approval of a three-year multi-family rental <br />dwelling license renewal for the period of July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2019, for <br />property owner Mailand Management Corporation, for their facility located at 885 <br />W Highway 36, Roseville, MN. <br />Mayor Roe noted that tenants or other Roseville residents could file a complaint <br />with the city for any noticeable violations that would then be addressed per the <br />city's recourse as laid out in Chapter 301 of city code. <br />Councilmember Willmus spoke in support of those concerns raised by Coun- <br />cilmember Etten, but deferred to the advice of City Attorney Gaughan. <br />Councilmember Etten also agreed with the advice of City Attorney Gaughan. <br />However, Councilmember Etten wondered if future review was possible to pro- <br />vide some leeway for problems such as this in the future. Councilmember Etten <br />stated that he found this type of issue troubling with repeat violations and lack of <br />response by a property owner until the last minute or when they had received a fi- <br />nal notice of noncompliance. <br />City Attorney Gaughan noted that the best course of action was not to deviate <br />from policies in place; but suggested the City Council could review its current <br />policy and establish guidelines moving forward. <br />
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