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8/18/2016 4:05:21 PM
Creation date
8/18/2016 3:56:42 PM
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Public Works Commission
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309 improvement program (CIP), replacement costs, and condition ratings. While the <br />310 condition ratings are done for the pavement management program (PMP), Mr. <br />311 Sandstrom noted that a condition rating for all Public Works Department assets <br />312 was new. Mr. Sandstrom displayed a working model of the city's infrastructure <br />313 system, included in tonight's agenda materials. Mr. Sandstrom reviewed the <br />314 status and maintenance history already in place and tracked; with staff continuing <br />315 to work on integrating software making future research easier. Mr. Sandstrom <br />316 noted once completed, this would allow for an annual review and update of the <br />317 CIP plan. <br />318 AL <br />319 Noting condition ratings were still in draft form for this initial presentation, Mr. <br />320 Sandstrom asked the PWETC for their feedback on those ratings before moving <br />321 this forward to the City Council. <br />322 <br />323 As part of the considerations and ratings, Mr. Sandstro reviewed some of the <br />324 criteria, including time tracked through PubWorks Software and used recent <br />325 storm clean-ups as examples. Mr. Sandstrom noted further breakdowns could <br />326 also be done by cost summary and task; with project cost comp ents per job <br />327 code tracked by departm99 staff. Mr. Sandstrom compared costs of the June 21, <br />328 2013 storm with that of July 5, 2016, allowing staff, the City Council and <br />329 Roseville citizens to see actual overall impacts to the city for equipment, man <br />330 hours and labor costs. Mr. Sandstrom noted this tracking was done for snow <br />331 events as well, whether plowing or application of salt, etc. Mr. Sandstrom noted <br />332 this allowed better plaCg for average costs to track activities and expenses <br />333 going ford. Iff -4w <br />334 <br />335 At the request of Member Lenz, Mr. Culver clarified that the cost shown was <br />336 `gross" versus "net," since staff would be working anyway. Mr. Culver advised <br />337 that a sepreport for overtime generato could be created. Since some staff <br />338 would be orking and using some equ' ent anyway, Mr. Culver noted with <br />339 unusual events, costs were tracked on that event versus time spent on something <br />340 ,that didn't get done and delays caused. Mr. Culver noted an additional report was <br />341 needed to show costs above and beyond normal operations. <br />342 <br />343 Mr. Sand rom addressed the rating system examples and scales from 0 to 100 as <br />344 a starting point and criteria used. Mr. Sandstrom noted it was found that rating <br />345 system wasn't applicable to all situations (e.g. sanitary manhole inspections) and <br />346 compared this ra g system with the characteristics of the PMP. Therefore, Mr. <br />347 Sandstrom noted staff's initial use of other rating systems, such as 1, 2, and 3 for <br />348 good, fair and poor ratings. Specifically for pipes, Mr. Sandstrom referenced the <br />349 report showing ratings of 0 to 5 with more information for those systems. Mr. <br />350 Sandstrom further noted ratings from 1 to 10 for lift stations; and asked for <br />351 PWETC feedback on staff's thought process behind various criteria. <br />352 <br />Page 8 of 19 <br />
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