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8/18/2016 4:05:21 PM
Creation date
8/18/2016 3:56:42 PM
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537 other metropolitan cities for residents. Mr. Culver noted some discussion at the <br />538 City Council level of cost participation from the sanitary sewer fund to <br />539 supplement those expenses to line a portion of all sanitary sewer services, <br />540 including options for stub lining at the wye or lining up to the right-of-way with <br />541 an option for the resident to pay more to have the entire line done. Mr. Culver <br />542 suggested further PWETC review of those options and assessment options for <br />543 residents to pay their cost for such a project, or whether to take it entirely out of <br />544 the sanitary sewer fund that would be paid by all Roseville residents. <br />545 <br />546 At the request of Member Seigler, Mr. Culver stated he wasn't sure if prices for <br />547 the lateral lining were declining, it was only obvious that as more interest was <br />548 found and more competition in the market, and more contractors performing the <br />549 work, prices would be lowered. Mr. Culver noted that was the experience with <br />550 sewer main lining, with those costs having diminished considerably over the last <br />551 few years. <br />552 <br />553 Chair Cihacek noted the difficulty in defining bid alternatJsexploring those <br />554 options without a hard number of cost versus ris - ess they were done as a bid <br />555 alternate and on a case by se basis brought back the City Coufflo <br />556 <br />557 Mr. Culver suggested scheduling this item to come back to the PEWTC with staff <br />558 providing more information from surrounding communities before that <br />559 discussion. If the city considers it, Mr. Culver opined he saw it as an all or <br />560 nothing situ on, slice he didn't think there would ever be a cost benefit to offer <br />561 it as an option to residents. Mr. Culver opined the city needed to make the <br />562 decision on the scope of the work when the city was already in the street doing a <br />563 project. Mr. Culver suggested the city would decide on the lining and where that <br />564 ended with the work completed shortly before or after the main project, since <br />565 different contractors were involved. Mr. fhlver opined the program would only <br />566 be effective if the city made the decision to do all services, and decided how to <br />567 pay for it, allowing residents the option to extend lining up to their house at their <br />568 cos Mr. Culver further opined it wasn't cost effective or a reasonable contract <br />569 cos offer it as an option for residents, without 100% participation. <br />570 0 <br />571 As part of that future discussion, Chair Cihacek asked staff to provide pricing for <br />572 the lining to th and to the right-of-way options, and annual cost projections, <br />573 along with a mle <br />that could be implemented. <br />574 <br />575 Mr. Culver stated staff would review the recent projects in Burnsville, Edina or <br />576 Golden Valley currently performing this work and review their process, number <br />577 of homes done, and average cost per home. Mr. Culver noted there were lots of <br />578 variables but a comparison would inform the PWETC discussion. <br />579 <br />580 Discussion ensued regarding timing of work plan items and PWETC monthly <br />581 agendas. A tentative schedule was outlined as follows: <br />582 • Sewer and Water Service Lining (October 2016) <br />Page 13 of 19 <br />
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