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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, August 8, 2016 <br />Page 11 <br />approximately 7:14 p.m., without objection, Mayor Roe suspended the public <br />hearing and potential action to allow time for interested residents to arrive at the <br />meeting to speak to the issue. <br />13. Budget Items <br />14. Business Items (Action Items) <br />a. Request for Approval of a Recombination Minor Subdivision at Roselawn <br />Avenue and Chatsworth Street (PF16-023) <br />City Planner Thomas Paschke briefly summarized this simple proposal by appli- <br />cants to transfer the southernmost 20' of land from 974 Roselawn Avenue, the <br />"donor" parcel to the northern side of 1896 Chatsworth Street, the "receiving" <br />parcel. Mr. Paschke noted the request was detailed in the RCA and that staff rec- <br />ommended approval as conditioned. <br />Mayor Roe asked for public comment on this proposed recombination minor sub- <br />division. No one appeared to speak for or against the proposal. <br />McGehee moved, Laliberte seconded, approval of the request to transfer the <br />southernmost twenty feet of the entire width of the property at 974 Roselawn Av- <br />enue to the abutting property at 1896 Chatsworth Street; based on the comments <br />and findings, and subject to conditions as stated in lines 62 — 66 of the RCA dated <br />August 8, 2016. <br />Councilmember McGehee thanked staff for working this out with property own- <br />ers. <br />Mayor Roe noted this made an existing nonconforming lot into a conforming lot, <br />also a good thing. <br />Roll Call <br />Ayes: Willmus, Laliberte, Etten, McGehee and Roe. <br />Nays: None. <br />b. Stormwater Impact Fund <br />As detailed in the RCA, Assistant Public Works Director Jesse Freihammer re- <br />viewed the latest draft of the proposed Stormwater Impact Fund Policy for City <br />Council review and consideration. <br />Councilmember McGehee sought clarification as to where the stormwater ulti- <br />mately went if not on a specific property, and whether that water was then moved <br />to adjacent properties due to additional impervious surface on that lot. <br />