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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, August 8, 2016 <br />Page 13 <br />Councilmember McGehee, Councilmember Etten opined that the city may be cre- <br />ating unintended circumstances in approving such an option to pay a fee. Howev- <br />er, Councilmember Etten suggested the policy may work for commercial and/or <br />infill situations. <br />Councilmember Willmus asked staff what the driver was for this proposed policy. <br />Mr. Freihammer responded that numerous examples had occurred, both a mix of <br />commercial and residential areas, with one main commercial property actually <br />driving consideration of such a policy and currently in the preliminary permit <br />stage. Mr. Freihammer noted that property, as well as some others, found it diffi- <br />cult to meet the city's stormwater requirements when there was no existing <br />stormwater system in which to discharge. Also with residential properties, Mr. <br />Freihammer advised this could provide an alternative for property owners as an <br />easier way to accomplish their requirements and an easier way for the city to track <br />BMP's and/or fees. Mr. Freihammer noted the city was just now getting started <br />on recertifying BMP's that were installed some time ago; and finding some of <br />those older rain gardens would be difficult to qualify for recertification without <br />the property owner having to completely rebuild them. <br />Councilmember Willmus asked if this tool was made available if and when no on- <br />site land area was available to accommodate mitigation, would it allow the city to <br />construct something off-site to mitigate water flowing into that area in the first <br />place. <br />Mr. Freihammer responded it would depend on the specific location, and if the <br />city had a project in the immediate vicinity that could be expanded to accommo- <br />date that mitigation. Mr. Freihammer advised there were some areas where it was <br />difficult for the city to find a location nearby that might require stepping out fur- <br />ther and not significantly impact stormwater management or benefit that immedi- <br />ate neighborhood having the actual issue. <br />Along that same line, Councilmember Laliberte noted even if the city banked the <br />monies received in a particular case, any larger mitigation project may cost ten <br />times the amount of the fee collected, causing the rest of the city's residents to <br />foot the bill far what needed to be done to address additional stormwater runoff. <br />Councilmember Laliberte stated she would find it helpful in the future for the <br />Public Works, Environment and Transportation Commission (P)WETC meeting <br />minutes to be provided for reference in these discussions, even if it only provided <br />their hesitation or reasoning voiced during their discussions, if no formal recom- <br />mendation came forward. Councilmember Laliberte stated that she valued that <br />citizen advisory discussion, and having it included in agenda packet materials was <br />helpful in her deliberations. <br />