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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, August 8, 2016 <br />Page 14 <br />Councilmember Willmus stated his support of some of the underlying thought <br />provided in this draft policy, but further stated he didn't know if he had enough <br />information on the particulars and consequences regarding application of fees or <br />setting rates. Therefore, at this point, Councilmember Willmus stated he would <br />not feel comfortable moving forward with this policy; and was in agreement with <br />Councilmembers Etten and McGehee's concerns. If those concerns could be ad- <br />dressed and resolved, Councilmember Willmus stated that may provide him with <br />more insight to move forward, but not at this point. <br />Councilmember McGehee seconded the remarks of Councilmember Etten related <br />to fees, especially with a front-end fixed fee given recent and frequent significant <br />rainfall events. <br />Mayor Roe clarified that the fees would be included in the city's annual fee <br />schedule for annual review, or even mare frequently if determined necessary and <br />at the City Council's discretion. Mayor Roe further clarified that staff was rec- <br />ommending that the fees be calculated on the cubic foot of stormwater mitigation <br />required, depending on each specific property — whether residential or commer- <br />cial. From his understanding, Mayor Roe noted staff's perspective was that this <br />could serve as an alternative for a residential homeowner versus their installation <br />and construction, along ongoing maintenance costs for a raingarden. <br />Specific to impervious coverage calculations, Mayor Roe noted the city set a <br />standard to minimize impervious surface, but if someone was unable to stay under <br />that limit, they would experience a cost to exceed that maximum amount. How- <br />ever, Mayor Roe noted there was also a cost to install a BMP and have it recerti- <br />fied every five years if that was the option they chose rather than this option. <br />Mayor Roe noted that, either way, stormwater would still be mitigated either on- <br />site or through a more regional site, making some sense to the initial logic. <br />Mayor Roe noted the design standard would remain the same for City BMP's un- <br />der this proposed policy as with any others; and stated that standard could always <br />be changed because of perceptions that heavier and mare intense rainfalls are oc- <br />curring. Mayor Roe noted it may make sense to have that discussion at a later <br />point, but he wasn't sure the fee option was the appropriate place or way to do so. <br />Mayor Roe noted Attachment A, Sections 1, 2 and 3 addressing older residential <br />properties versus commercial and new residential properties, which he found con- <br />fusing. Mayor Roe sought clarification if Section 2 applied to all projects or only <br />certain ones, and suggested staff further clarify and refine the policy language on <br />that point, <br />Councilmember Laliberte suggested having a conversation and developing a poli- <br />cy specific to commercial properties first, since residential properties were more <br />complicated. <br />