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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, August 8, 2016 <br />Page 17 <br />Willmus moved, McGehee seconded, adoption of Resolution No. 11346 (Attach- <br />ment B) entitled, "Resolution Ordering the Improvement and Preparation of Plans <br />and Specifications for Owasso Private Drive Storm Water Improvements;" clari- <br />fying that, as requested by the property owners of 345 S. Owasso Blvd., access <br />be on the east side of their parce� <br />Councilmember McGehee, with concurrence by Mayor Roe, thanked residents <br />and staff for initiating this project. <br />Mayor Roe reminded residents that the assessment hearing would be held next fall <br />after actual costs were available upon completion of the project. <br />Roll Call <br />Ayes: Willmus, Laliberte, Etten, McGehee and Roe. <br />Nays: None. <br />d. Consider Approval of Amended Agreement with Roseville Area Community <br />Foundation Regarding Disbursement of Lawful Gambling Proceeds <br />City Manager Patrick Trudgeon introduced former Chair of the North Suburban <br />Community Foundation, now known as the Roseville Area Community Founda- <br />tion or RACF), Tammy Pust (Roseville resident at 813 Millwood Avenue). Mr. <br />Trudgeon noted the details of this foundation and work over the last few years <br />were provided in the RCA. <br />Tammy Pust <br />Ms. Pust concurred with City Manager Trudgeon's observation that the first con- <br />versations about this foundation and needed changes since its inception in 1991, <br />had occurred in 2014. <br />Ms. Pust stated she was appearing before the City Council on behalf of the foun- <br />dation, or RACF, and provided a background of what the foundation had been do- <br />ing, opining the City Council and Roseville public hadn't heard enough from <br />them over the years. Ms. Pust led from that background into the proposed ordi- <br />nance changes, and recognized other members of the foundation may be arriving <br />during her presentation in support of this request, including the current Chairper- <br />son. <br />Ms. Pust provided an overview of the foundation and statutory provision for all <br />municipalities, since the law was passed in 1990, at the cities' option to have a <br />fund for 10% of lawful charitable gambling proceeds within the community to be <br />given to other nonprofit entities in that community. Ms. Pust noted the City of <br />Roseville had always delegated that provision to this foundation, formerly the <br />North Suburban Community Foundation, with the name just changed as of June <br />2016 to the RACF and as filed with the Secretary of State. Ms. Pust provided the <br />rationale for that name change, as outlined in the contract between the city and <br />