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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, August 8, 2016 <br />Page 16 <br />John Torgerson, 337 S Owasso Blvd. <br />Mr. Torgerson thanked the City Council and their planning/engineering depart- <br />ment staff for the work on this project. Mr. Torgerson spoke in 100% support of <br />the project moving forward; opining it would benefit not only adjacent property <br />owners, but also the city, watershed district, and anyone using Lake Owasso. <br />Daniel Peterson, 345 S Owasso Blvd. <br />In his observations from biking along the lake, Mr. Peterson noted some deterio- <br />ration in pervious materials used by the City of Shoreview, but gave them credit <br />to taking those positive steps. <br />Mr. Peterson opined that everyone along their private drive had looked at the pro- <br />posed plan for paver installation; and in their inspection of a similar project ap- <br />proximately three years old, had found that material to still be in excellent condi- <br />tion. <br />Regarding maintenance of this private road that had been brought up at a recent <br />City Council meeting, Mr. Peterson clarified that due to the width of the private <br />drive, the city pickup truck came down the road and back up due to its width. <br />However, Mr. Peterson further clarified that the remainder of the road was main- <br />tained by adjacent property owners, and was not considered a regular full-time <br />city snow route similar to a public road. <br />Mr. Peterson sated he had an independent environmental engineer friend look at <br />the proposed project, and had agreed with his preference for using the east side of <br />his parcel for the project from the road to the lake and requiring no full-time <br />maintenance. Therefore, Mr. Peterson advised that, even though an existing <br />easement is located on the west side of his parcel, and for the sake of his neigh- <br />bors, the neighborhood, and the lake, he and his wife were willing to release or <br />surrender access on the east side versus using the other easement. Mr. Peterson <br />opined this should prove a cost savings for the neighbors and the city. After all, <br />Mr. Peterson noted the goal was to save the lake and neighborhood properties, <br />and the erosion coming from the railroad tracks. <br />Mr. Peterson noted their property had already been surveyed several times, and <br />tongue in cheek suggested his only suggestion is to name the road after him. <br />On behalf of the City and City Council, Mayor Roe thanked Mr. Peterson for this <br />consideration, and noted it sounded like he and staff were in agreement on the <br />east side of the property rather than using the existing easement on the west side. <br />With no one else to speak, Mayor Roe closed the public hearing at approximately <br />7:59 p.m. <br />