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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, August 8, 2016 <br />Page 2 <br />City Manager Trudgeon provided an update on upcoming Discover Your Parks events at <br />Reservoir Woods and Mapleview Park. <br />In her new role as a board member of Metro Cities, Councilmember Laliberte reported on <br />recent policy committee meetings and specific highlights of those held and those upcom- <br />ing in updating and revising policy for 2017 legislative sessions. <br />City Manager Trudgeon noted that he also served on the Metro Cities Housing & Eco- <br />nomic Development Policy committee and briefly reported on their activities. <br />6. Recognitions, Donations and Communications <br />a. Donation from Firehouse Subs Public Safety Foundation <br />As detailed in the Request for Council Action dated August 8, 2016, Police Ad- <br />ministrative Lieutenant Lorne Rosand recognized the recent donation by Fire- <br />house Subs Public Safety Foundation of an automated external defibrillator. Lt. <br />Rosand advised that a representative of the firm was unable to attend tonight's <br />meeting due to a last minute scheduling conflict at one of their restaurant loca- <br />tions. <br />Laliberte moved, Etten seconded, approval of accepting a donation of one Cardiac <br />Science GF automated external defibrillator (AED) at an estimated value of <br />$1,700.00 from the Firehouse Subs Public Safety Foundation to the Roseville Po- <br />lice Department. <br />Mayor Roe and Councilmembers thanked the foundation for their business's sup- <br />port of the community. <br />Roll Call <br />Ayes: Willmus, Laliberte, Etten, McGehee and Roe. <br />Nays: None. <br />7. Approve Minutes <br />Comments c�nd corrections to drezft minutes had been submitted by the City Council prior <br />to tonight's meeting cznd those revisions were incorporated into the dre�ft presented in the <br />Council packet. <br />a. Approve July 25, 2016 City Council Meeting Minutes <br />Willmus moved, Etten seconded, approval of the July 25, 2016 City Council <br />Meeting Minutes as amended. <br />Corrections• <br />• Page 1, Typographical Corrections (Laliberte) <br />Line 17: Change "thaY' to "the" <br />