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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, August 8, 2016 <br />Page 3 <br />Line 41: Change "include" to "notify" <br />• Page 17, Lines 6-7 (McGehee) <br />Change to read: "... monoxide deters[.J [ <br />�es�}. . . <br />• Page 13, Typographical Corrections <br />Line 1 (Roe): Change "was" to "were" <br />Line 10 (McGehee): Strike "thaY' <br />• Page 14, <br />Line 10 (Roe): Insert "[inJ" before HDR-2 <br />Line 33 — 34 (Etten): Change to read: "Councilmember Etten stated that <br />would alleviate some of his concerns; [���-�cg�ee�1 [but still did not agreeJ <br />with the setbacks for HDR-2, which [�-tt�wJ [areJ often significantly less <br />than. . ." <br />• Page 15, Line 40 (Roe) <br />Delete "and" <br />• Page 17, Line 43 (McGehee) <br />Typographical Correction: "inadequate" <br />• Page 20, Line 39 (Roe) <br />Delete "to" <br />• Page 21 (Laliberte) <br />Typographical Correction: Change "full" to "fall" <br />• Page 22, Lines 7— 9(Roe) <br />Correct to read: "[CouncilmemberJ Etten [�J suggested... <br />• Page 23, Lin ll (McGehee) <br />Typographical Correction: Change "an" to "and" <br />• Page 30, Typographical Corrections (McGehee) <br />Line 17: "change "topic" to "topics" . <br />Line 18: delete "and" <br />• Page 32, Line 20 (Roe) <br />Change "amendment" to "language" <br />• Page 33 (Laliberte) <br />Lines 7- 8: Change to read: "...and while [�J [she may not beJ opposed to it <br />remaining. . ." <br />Line 33 (Roe): Do not strike "and" <br />• Page 37, Line 31 (Laliberte) <br />Typographical Correction: Change "those" to "any" <br />Roll Call <br />Ayes: Willmus, Laliberte, Etten, McGehee and Roe. <br />Nays: None. <br />8. Approve Consent Agenda <br />