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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, August 8, 2016 <br />Page 21 <br />clear electronic grant application process, Councilmember McGehee opined there <br />would probably be more community interest in the RACF. <br />Specific to the Board of Directors for the RACF, Ms. Pust reported that, like any <br />nonprofit, the foundation elected its board of directors. In her conversations with <br />Mayor Roe and City Manager Trudgeon, and recognizing the city frequently re- <br />ceived more applications for its advisory boards than it had vacancies, Ms. Pust <br />offered for the foundation to be a recipient of the names of those applicants. <br />However, Ms. Pust noted that not everyone would or could be elected to the <br />board; and noted those serving took their service seriously and were constantly <br />looking for new board members as attrition and other openings occurred. For <br />those citizens interested in the RACF, Ms. Pust encouraged them to get their <br />names to City Manager Trudgeon to forward to the RACF. Since the RACF just <br />elected officers in June of 2016, Ms. Pust cautioned there probably wouldn't be <br />much movement on the board until June of 2017 unless current members stepped <br />down. <br />Mayor Roe concurred, and again likened the RACF to the RVA as an independent <br />entity with its own board of directors; and with the opportunity for an annual re- <br />port to the City Council and public, suggested that would be a good time to make <br />a pitch for the board. <br />At the request of Councilmember Laliberte regarding a City Council liaison to the <br />RACF similar to that of the RVA, Mayor Roe clarified that with his service on the <br />RVA Board of Directors that was totally happenstance, and not official in his ca- <br />pacity on the City Council. <br />Ms. Pust noted that City Manager Trudgeon had served on the DAB, and wel- <br />comed any City Council or a designee to attend their meetings. Since the RACF <br />was a nonprofit, and not required to meet under open meeting law requirements, <br />Ms. Pust advised that it still did so since the foundation discussed community <br />events and activities. <br />Since a number of great people were already involved in the community, Coun- <br />cilmember Laliberte asked if there was any potential for conflicts of interest if <br />they were part of the RACF but also applying for grant funds. <br />Ms. Pust advised that a conflict of interest policy was in place for the RACF and <br />all meeting minutes duly recorded. <br />Councilmember Etten thanked Ms. Pust, and expressed appreciation for the annu- <br />al report going forward, as well as the online application format and public <br />awareness of the process, noting the benefit far the community. Specific with the <br />public safety-related service language, Councilmember Etten admitted he too was <br />