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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, August 8, 2016 <br />Page 28 <br />news as well as the additional staff time that would require. Mayor Roe agreed <br />with the seed money concept for NA mailing leaving it up to them how they used <br />it. Related to the notification process, similar to that used for land use issues, <br />Mayor Roe noted this brought up the question of who provided the mailing list, <br />suggesting that may be a service the city could provide, to determine what made <br />the most sense versus an unlimited mailing. Mayor Roe agreed with the one-time <br />only NA creation mailing. <br />Additional discussion and clarification included the initial mailing would be for a <br />newly-forming NA to solicit for their membership in establishing as a group; clar- <br />ification of the results of a mailing and what constitutes a NA by reporting the <br />number to the city, without identifying members, just a head count; and prefer- <br />ence for NAs to maintain communication with the city with updated meeting <br />minutes or notes and a current tally of their membership on an annual basis. <br />Councilmember Laliberte noted her struggle in how to define members of a NA; <br />while applauding NAs that strengthened their membership among themselves and <br />funded their activities, opining that was the best case scenario from her perspec- <br />tive. <br />Councilmember McGehee agreed with Councilmember Laliberte, noting an ex- <br />ample with the fence issue earlier this year, with a cohesive group coming togeth- <br />er around a project, and continuing to get together around other projects and posi- <br />tive things and without an established boundary. Councilmember McGehee <br />opined that certain personalities could make this idea problematic, and further <br />opined how much nicer it was to have neighbors arrive spontaneously, and re- <br />ceive any additional information they requested from the city without the more <br />formal aspects being suggested. <br />Councilmember Etten clarified that he didn't have a perception that city recogni- <br />tion would give a group some special powers; and suggested Councilmember <br />McGehee was over-representing who NAs represented. Councilmember Etten <br />further clarified that the goal was not to empower anyone, but to bring people to- <br />gether to communicate and provide a vehicle far them to do so, such as a NA. <br />Councilmember Etten noted this was not guaranteeing people extra control over <br />the city or their neighbors. <br />Councilmember McGehee opined that the Night to Unite event, block captains, <br />and the program provided significant and sufficient outreach. <br />City Manager Trudgeon noted this is all predicated on fostering NAs so they <br />could foster community and civic engagement. Mr. Trudgeon noted there was a <br />lot of information in this report, and clarified that there was no suggestion that <br />everything be implemented all at once. Mr. Trudgeon suggested starting with <br />basic resources and a tool kit for NA self-organization and offering the support <br />