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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, August 8, 2016 <br />Page 29 <br />available to them from the city; and then to wait and see before implementing an- <br />ything further. Mr. Trudgeon expressed his appreciation of the City Council's <br />recognition of the staff time commitment, and especially if following this route, <br />further noted his appreciation of a phased approach to not overburden staff. If the <br />City Council is interested in proceeding, Mr. Trudgeon opined there were good <br />nuggets provided in the report and models with which to move forward. <br />Benefits and Purposes of NAs (Attachment B, pa�e 2) <br />Mayor Roe reviewed the intent of this effort. <br />Public Comment <br />Mayor Roe noted it would be helpful for the City Council if existing NA repre- <br />sentatives could provide input as to the registration process and their experience <br />in tracking membership. <br />Lisa McCormick, Wheeler Street <br />Ms. McCormick referenced how this NA process had historically come to be, <br />based on her recollection and personal service on the task force and its report that <br />served as a predecessor to the current CEC. With that original intent to create <br />more cohesive neighborhoods that evolved into the NA concept, Ms. McCormick <br />opined that idea met with some resistance at the CEC level. As to whether or not <br />the idea was brought forward by members of the public, Ms. McCormick ques- <br />tioned that, noting she initially brought forward but then reversed her position; <br />and stated she knew of no one else coming forward to request this. <br />Ms. McCormick opined this was premature, and to City Manager Trudgeon's <br />point, it provided good information and things to initiate, there was no need for <br />this formal of a process, but simply to strengthen the block program. Ms. <br />McCormick referenced her starting of a NA several years ago and stated if she <br />had more information at that time, would have used a different process to do so. <br />Ms. McCormick referenced the work being done by the Police Department's <br />Community Relations Coordinator Corey Yunke with block clubs. Ms. McCor- <br />mick questioned for what purpose and what community engagement this effort <br />was put forth. Specific to her NA, Ms. McCormick reported there were initially <br />40-60 residents at meetings and subsequently participating, but when they felt like <br />they weren't being heard, it was difficult to maintain membership and keep good <br />faith, even if and when decisions didn't have the preferred result of those partici- <br />pants. <br />Ms. McCormick questioned the goal, and suggested if the city pursued it there <br />may not be the desired results that they had achieved and improved upon, includ- <br />ing potential legal liabilities if they were encouraging incorporating entities and a <br />level of involvement for the City Council in NA management. Under this pro- <br />posal, Ms. McCormick stated she would not seek recognition as a NA as she was <br />philosophically opposed to the requirements. Ms. McCormick opined when she <br />was working directly with former Community Development Director Paul Bilotta, <br />