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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, August 8, 2016 <br />Page 32 <br />personal information and a contact point through emails of door to door notice <br />versus the cost of mailings. <br />Rick Sanders, S McCarron's Blvd., Lake McCarron's NA Co-Chair <br />Mr. Sanders asked that the City Council put this on the back burner, and opined <br />the only benefit was funding for a one-time mailing list with everything else al- <br />ready available. If someone wants to start a NA, while it may be beneficial for <br />them to receive this information, Ms. Sanders noted most if not all of it was avail- <br />able on line. <br />To have the municipal government involved in telling a NA how to run their or- <br />ganization, which he didn't think was their intent, Mr. Sanders questioned the ra- <br />tionale involved, and what potential harm could occur down the road. <br />Mr. Sanders encouraged the City Council to take it slow and give out information <br />on what it would and could do, but avoid setting up boundaries, allowing block <br />captains their role in providing fluent communication. Mr. Sanders opined that <br />the goal was to see people come together and if they saw the city becoming too <br />involved, they would back off. Mr. Sanders opined that any information residents <br />sought of the city was readily available from the city website. <br />Mr. Sanders questioned what this whole movement was about; and as a member <br />of an existing NA, opined he wasn't interested in what was being offered. <br />Additional City Council Discussion <br />Mayor Roe clarified his point in establishing NAs was voluntary for those wish- <br />ing to do so, but further clarified that the city was in no way mandating it, and ex- <br />pressed concern that was the perception of this report and discussion. Mayor Roe <br />categorically stated that was not what was being talked about by the City Council; <br />and clarified the intent of the CEC was to have NAs register with the city and re- <br />ceive benefit from those collective efforts. Mayor Roe noted that ultimately the <br />City Council would need to decide how to proceed; and determine whether there <br />were benefits to registering as well as considering other aspects. Mayor Roe sug- <br />gested that everyone leave this conversation acknowledging that there was noth- <br />ing wrong with neighborhoods connecting with each other and forming an associ- <br />ation; and also confirmed that there was no need for them to talk to the city to <br />proceed, with no one suggesting that as a requirement. On the flip side, Mayor <br />Roe noted the benefit of the process could be seen as the ability to connect with <br />local government and be a part of that larger process. Mayor Roe stated any way <br />to facilitate that participation was his objective with this process; and opined the <br />rest was for discussion and consideration by the City Council. <br />Councilmember Willmus noted that, as he stated back in April of this year, his <br />position had not changed. Councilmember Willmus stated that he saw nothing in <br />this report that impedes any existing NA continuing to function as it had been; <br />