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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, August 8, 2016 <br />Page 31 <br />Regarding the points outlined in the report, Ms. Sanders questioned why the City <br />Council would even consider accepting it, other than simply receiving the report <br />and reviewing it. Ms. Sanders asked that they not consider action now, opining <br />the city already had too much going on already and suggested reacting to the re- <br />port at a later date, and including public participation in that discussion. Of those <br />working on the Task Force, Ms. Sanders noted after many hours sacrificed to con- <br />sider NAs, none of them supported this or were asking for it to become cit policy. <br />While the report may have some good points, Ms. Sanders opined they were not <br />necessary, even though she wrote some of them. <br />Ms. Sanders stated she had a problem with people without experience encourag- <br />ing the City Council to make policy. <br />Regarding membership and vetting, Ms. Sanders addressed one group of residents <br />seeking to be grandfathered in without any bylaws and holding no meetings to- <br />date. Ms. Sanders asked that the City Council take their time with vetting, and <br />determine whether or not representation was in the actual area, opining otherwise <br />messy things could happen down the road, when things should be done prudently <br />and done right. <br />Ms. Sanders noted there were advantages for the city to help NAs advertise and <br />with possible funding, but noted her NA did that on its own anyway, and refer- <br />enced the Rice Street Gardens and Community Conversations as two examples of <br />their efforts. Ms. Sanders noted their NA and those efforts were more resident- <br />led initiatives and they could even do more. <br />Ms. Sanders offered her availability in the future to assist the City Council and <br />bring in those with experience in creating and running real associations — block <br />clubs that were a building block for associations form an organic foundation. <br />Ms. Sanders asked that the City Council wait until enough people want this and <br />then do it right. <br />Peggy Verkuilen, 1123 Sextant Avenue W <br />Ms. Verkuilen expressed concern in attempting to draw boundaries, recommend- <br />ing if doing so, their borders needed to touch. While recognizing the need far <br />rules of order for meetings, Ms. Verkuilen noted the difficulty with bylaws. Ms. <br />Verkuilen noted the whole object was to get information out, and opined that was <br />what should be included, and with the right person heading up the job it could be <br />done. <br />Ms. Verkuilen noted her lack of support with mailings, opining the best thing was <br />person to person contact and handing things to neighbors. With that personal con- <br />tact and interest expressed, Ms. Verkuilen noted it allowed for ways to provide <br />