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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, August 8, 2016 <br />Page 8 <br />Roll Call <br />Ayes: Willmus, Laliberte, Etten, McGehee and Roe. <br />Nays: None. <br />11. Presentations <br />a. Receive Presentation and Discuss Creating a Public Finance Policy with Eco- <br />nomic Development Representatives from Ehlers, Inc. <br />Interim Community Development Director Kari Collins referenced the RCA as a <br />preamble to tonight's presentation. Ms. Collins introduced Stacie Kvilvang & Ja- <br />son Aarsvold of Ehlers, Inc. <br />Ms. Kvilvang provided a historical background of the Ehlers firm, a Roseville <br />business located on Cleveland Avenue, and a brief personal biography and specif- <br />ic expertise of she and Mr. Aarsvold in the public finance field. With both of <br />them having experience from their previous employment with economic and <br />community development in the City of Brooklyn Park, MN, Ms. Kvilvang noted <br />that municipality had also followed a similar route as that of Roseville in moving <br />from a Housing & Redevelopment Authority to an EDA. <br />Ms. Kvilvang's presentation included a project overview for the newly-created <br />REDA and initial requirements and development of necessary policies, and bene- <br />fits in having the City Council directly involved in the REDA. Ms. Kvilgang re- <br />viewed those policies required by state statute subsequently informing the direc- <br />tion to staff on what projects the REDA would like to assist specific to develop- <br />ment/redevelopment priorities. Ms. Kvilvang noted this would allow staff to <br />weed out projects not meeting REDA goals; and for those projects that may be <br />considered borderline, would allow staff to bring them forward to the REDA at a <br />work session. Ms. Kvilvang noted this process and established policies would al- <br />so provide developers with an understanding of REDA expectations. <br />Ms. Kvilvang reviewed business subsidies as per state statute and criteria, includ- <br />ing tax increment financing as it had evolved over a number of years and tax <br />abatement. Ms. Kvilvang noted twenty-three exemptions under those subsidies <br />that would be part of the consideration for policy development. <br />In conclusion, Ms. Kvilvang reviewed a spreadsheet of homework questions for <br />individual REDA members (attachments A and B) to submit to staff by August <br />17, 2017 to allow collation of the information and prepare for the August 29. 2016 <br />REDA meeting and discussion at that time. <br />Ms. Kvilvang asked the REDA to consider additional information not included in <br />the spreadsheet: <br />1) Will you waive city fees (park dedication fees, trunk charges, water access <br />(WAC) or sewer access charges (SAC), building permit fees; <br />