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EXTRACT OF MINUTES OF MEETING <br />OF THE <br />CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEVILLE <br />� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � <br />Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the City Council of the City <br />of Roseville, County of Ramsey, Minnesota, was duly held on the 22nd of August, 2016, <br />at 6:00 o'clock p.m. <br />The following members were present: Willmus, Laliberte, Etten, McGehee and Roe and <br />the following were absent: none. <br />Councilmember Willmus introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: <br />RESOLUTION NO. 11349 <br />RESOLUTION APPROVING ABATEMENT ACTION AT 2814 CLEVELAND <br />AVENUE NORTH <br />WHEREAS, significant violations of Minnesota State Fire (MSFC 304, 305, 315, 503, <br />506, 508, 510, 603, 605, 704, 705, 901, 903, 906, 907, 1001, 1004, 1027, 1028, 3403, <br />3404, and Building Codes (MSBC 901, 1001,1204, 2701, 2801, 2901, MEC 110, 314, <br />400, 348, MSPC 4714.0100, 4714.0101, MSMC 1346.0103), as well as, City of Roseville <br />Codes (407, 801, 906) have been noted on the property and building; and; <br />WHEREAS, the property owner has not corrected the violations, has not provided the <br />required submittals detailing a plan for attaining Code compliance, has not provided a <br />definitive time schedule of repair; and; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY <br />OF ROSEVILLE, MINNESOTA, that based upon the entirety of the public record before <br />it, including the Request for Council Action staff report and all of its attachments and <br />materials, oral representations made by staff on the record, and public comment from <br />interested parties, and upon due consideration and deliberation by the Council in open <br />forum, the CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEVILLE, MINNESOTA, hereby <br />makes the following findings and approves the following orders to abate code violations <br />at the property located at 2814 Cleveland Avenue: <br />FINDINGS, <br />The following violations of the Minnesota State Fire Code exist on the subject property: <br />906.6 Remove obstructions or impediments to portable fire extinguishers. <br />