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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, September 19, 2016 <br />Page 3 <br /> <br /> <br />10.General Ordinances for Adoption <br /> <br /> <br />11.Presentations <br /> <br /> <br />12.Public Hearings and Action Consideration <br /> <br /> <br />13.Budget Items <br /> <br /> <br />14.Business Items (Action Items) <br /> <br /> <br />15.Business Items – Presentations/Discussions <br /> <br /> <br />a.Approve Resolutions Approving the Acquisition of Easements <br />Public Works Director Marc Culver spoke to this item, as outlined in the Request <br />for Council Action (RCA) of today’s date; a result of ongoing work by the city <br />with Ramsey County for geometric improvements at the revised intersection of <br />Fairview Avenue and Terrace Drive/Twin Lakes Parkway. Mr. Culver advised <br />that, after negotiations, the conclusion was that Fairview Avenue would be re- <br />striped as a three-lane section with center left turn lane. <br /> <br />Mr. Culver noted this proposal was presented to the public earlier this year, and <br />mailings were provided to property owners along Fairview Avenue, with no <br />comments received by staff in support or opposition, about the proposed striping <br />changes. <br /> <br />Mr. Culver noted total compensation for both permanent and temporary ease- <br />ments at 2805 and 2770 Fairview Avenue were based on appraisals ordered by the <br />city. <br /> <br />Mayor Roe offered an opportunity for public comment at this time, with no one <br />appearing to speak. <br /> <br />Willmus moved, Laliberte seconded, adoption of Resolution No. 11362 (Attach- <br />ments A through E) entitled, “Resolution Authorizing Mayor and City Manager to <br />Execute the Earnest Money Contracts for Easement Acquisitions at 2805 Fairview <br />Avenue and 2770 Fairview Avenue.” <br /> <br />At the request of Councilmember Laliberte, Mr. Culver confirmed funding for the <br />easements would come from the Tax Increment Financing (TIF) District. Mayor <br />Roe clarified that was the same source of funding for the remainder of the project <br />as well. <br />Roll Call <br /> <br />Ayes: <br />Willmus, Laliberte, Etten, McGehee and Roe. . <br />Nays: <br />None. <br /> <br /> <br />