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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, September 19, 2016 <br />Page 6 <br /> <br /> <br />Ms. Coughlin advised that the HSA has a spreadsheet available listing 2015 facili- <br />ties supplying puppies to that particular pet store in Iowa referenced, and offered <br />to provide that information to the City Council at their request. <br /> <br />Councilmember McGehee asked if the HSA had available any model ordinance <br />language for amphibians as well. <br /> <br />Ms. Coughlin clarified that the model ordinance they were recommending to the <br />City would deal only with puppies, dogs and kittens, as did the Eastpointe, Michi- <br />gan model, even though the City Council could expand it at their discretion. Ms. <br />Coughlin advised that the HSA’s rationale in limiting the ordinance to dogs and <br />cats, was based on their research and investigations providing a link and strong <br />grounds for court challenges to-date. <br /> <br />Councilmember McGehee asked if there was similar activity regulating the activi- <br />ty for importation of exotic species of birds and addressing their breeding. <br /> <br />Ms. Coughlin advised that she could provide additional information on that if so <br />desired; however, she noted that this was not her area of expertise, even though <br />their import and longevity was also of grave concern to the HSA. <br /> <br />Public Comment <br />Kristin Smith, Pet Store Owner in Blaine, MN <br />Ms. Smith advised that Har Mar Pet Store was her biggest competitor; and stated <br />her reason for speaking tonight was that any decision made by the Roseville City <br />Council could not only affect its community facilities, but also the three other <br />stores in the State of MN that were selling puppies, hers included. <br /> <br />Ms. Smith provided her perception of the situation at the Har Mar Pet Store, ad- <br />dressing various ailments observed by the USDA inspector addressed in the news <br />article. Ms. Smith noted these were typical ailments and could result even if and <br />when dogs – or other similar animals – were being well-cared for. Ms. Smith <br />noted that when a USDA inspector comes in, they did a snapshot inspection on <br />that particular day, and was always an unannounced visit <br /> <br />Vanessa Rojas, St. Paul Petland Store Owner <br />Ms. Rojas noted some ailments could also be a result of stress for the pet. <br /> <br />Ms. Smith and Ms. Rojas provided their perspective on pet store operations and <br />situations, and answered questions of the City Council as applicable. <br /> <br />At the request of Councilmember Willmus, Ms. Smith advised that not all USDA <br />inspectors were veterinarians. <br /> <br /> <br />