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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, September 26, 2016 <br />Page 10 <br /> <br /> <br />Mr. Holt provided an executive summary of the Final Report of the Cedarholm <br />Clubhouse Replacement Advisory Team, including a background, mission and <br />purpose as directed by the City Council, and a timeline since November of 2014 <br />when the Parks & Recreation Commission had initially brought their concerns to <br />the City Council seeking future direction. Mr. Holt reported on the many ele- <br />ments of input received by the Team, with an average of twenty-three participants <br />on the Team by the end of the process, with a total of nine thematic meetings in- <br />cluding community engagement opportunities. <br /> <br />As deliverables provided by the Team, Mr. Holt referenced this Final Report and <br />recommendation to the Parks & Recreation and subsequently tonight for the City <br />Council; and reminded the Council of the Park & Recreation Commission’s origi- <br />nal four options from prior to the Advisory Team getting underway and detailed <br />pros, cons and considerations for each of those options. <br />Option 1: Rebuild to Existing Size and Function <br />Option 2: Rebuild to size similar to larger park buildings <br />Option 3: Rebuild to smaller size for golf check-in, limited seating/snack <br />area <br />Option 4: Renovate existing clubhouse <br /> <br />As detailed in the report (pages 11 – 12), Mr. Holt reviewed the four recommen- <br />dations of the Team, as follows: <br /> <br />1)Replace the Clubhouse <br /> <br /> <br />2)Use Identified Funding Options (including Park Renewal Program remaining <br />funds of $400,000, available and applicable Park Dedication Fees of approxi- <br />mately $1.37 million, and available Golf Course Enterprise Funds anticipated <br />by yearend of approximately $200,000). <br /> <br />Mr. Holt suggested other options could include levy and bonding; as well as <br />the building design process remaining open to possibly expanding space for <br />the Roseville Historical Society, maintenance and storage, that would also im- <br />pact funding sources; as well as pursuing partnerships and collaborations. Mr. <br />Holt opined that the Team felt this would provide maximizing not only access <br />but also impact revenue sources, perhaps similarly realized by the regional <br />OVAL use. <br /> <br /> <br />3)Plan for Supporting Infrastructure <br />Mr. Holt highlighted the Team’s support to recommend replacement or im- <br />provement of the entire area supporting golf operations, including parking; <br />maintenance; storage of golf carts, maintenance and product storage; and im- <br />proved working conditions to meet current building and safety standards and <br />code requirements. <br /> <br /> <br />