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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, September 26, 2016 <br />Page 11 <br /> <br /> <br />4)Reconsider the Status of the Golf Course as an Enterprise Fund <br />Mr. Holt noted criteria suggested the golf course was not currently operating <br />fully as an Enterprise Fund; warranting current/future operations and capital <br />needs reconsideration. <br /> <br />Mayor Roe invited any Advisory Team members in the audience to add their <br />comments to the presentation, with no one volunteering. Mayor Roe thanked all <br />for their contributions, and then provided an opportunity for public comment. <br /> <br />Public Comment <br />Betty Wolfangle, 837 Heinel Drive, Member Roseville Historical Society <br />Ms. Wolfangle thanked the Team for the privilege of looking at the draft Final <br />Report before tonight’s City Council presentation and provided thoughts from the <br />perspective of the Historical Society. Ms. Wolfangle commended the Team for <br />their good and thorough review and report. <br /> <br />From the Society’s perspective, and recognizing budget shortfalls, Ms. Wolfangle <br />stated their understanding in being able to consider their organization as part of <br />the new building, especially when they were not a revenue source. Even though <br />the wish may be for a multi-faceted building for year-round use, Ms. Wolfangle <br />noted the Society was aware of the reality of the revenue shortfall and their inabil- <br />ity to remedy that or produce funding. <br /> <br />However, Ms. Wolfangle reminded the City Council that the Society had been in <br />existence for over forty years, and remained “homeless.” Based on the proposed <br />footprint for a golf course building, Ms. Wolfangle questioned if the square foot- <br />age available could meet the needs of their organization, advising that the bottom <br />line was that their optimum needs would be approximately 1,300 square feet to <br />provide showroom, office space and files. Ms. Wolfangle noted the Society had a <br />lot of computer and file storage needs as it represented over 100 years of Rose- <br />ville history, and still collecting artifacts. Ms. Wolfangle noted the Roseville arti- <br />fact collection was the envy of many communities, as well as other agencies. <br /> <br />Ms. Wolfangle advised that they were excited about those many artifacts, current- <br />ly stored at Fire Station No. 2, and would appreciate being able to display them <br />and change those displays frequently or seasonally, rather than simply stockpiling <br />them in a room. However, Ms. Wolfangle noted storage would also be needed for <br />those items not on display. <br /> <br />Specific to parking, Ms. Wolfangle advised that the Society meets approximately <br />four times annually, exclusive of special events; meeting during daytime. One of <br />the attractions to the clubhouse, Ms. Wolfangle reported was access to a kitchen, <br />restroom facilities, and parking for their average needs for twenty-five people; <br />making that space perfect for them. <br /> <br /> <br />