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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, September 26, 2016 <br />Page 17 <br /> <br /> <br />At the request of Councilmember McGehee, Mr. Holt clarified the four options <br />presented by the Parks & Recreation Commission prior to the Advisory team, as <br />noted earlier, all under the caveat for City Council direction to the Team that they <br />stay within the current footprint while also considering additional space (e.g. <br />basement). From the perspective of the Team, Mr. Holt advised that the same <br />footprint remained under their consideration, whether it remained at its current <br />site, or was relocated on the site. As mentioned in the Final Report, Mr. Holt not- <br />ed that other needs were part of that accommodation and design; with the archi- <br />tect better able to bring that into the discussion (e.g. parking ratios, building de- <br />sign, etc.). <br /> <br />Councilmember McGehee stated before starting from scratch and changing the <br />building orientation, she wanted to ensure the building was energy efficient as <br />part of its major components (e.g. windows, walls or solar panel) and asked that <br />an architect have that as part of his expertise; and even if it cost more money up- <br />front to incorporate that energy efficiency rather than paying the ramifications of <br />not being energy efficient further down the road. Regarding her long-term <br />maintenance concerns, Councilmember McGehee opined it would be shortsighted <br />to construct a facility without it being energy efficient and asking residents for <br />more support after the fact. Councilmember McGehee also stated she would like <br />to see any levy discussion dropped, given the history of 42% increases in taxes <br />over the last few years, when many Roseville residents are on fixed incomes. <br /> <br />Mr. Holt reported that came up during the Team’s brainstorming discussion; and <br />advised that the intent was to have access to all of that and additional options <br />from the architect as he proceeds with preliminary design work and outlining cost <br />considerations, and ultimate recommendation to staff and the City Council. <br />Therefore, as noted in the Final Report, Mr. Holt reiterated the Team’s request <br />that the City Council remain open to funding options outlined as well as some <br />other possibilities, including levy or bonding. <br /> <br />Councilmember Etten asked if the intent was to use a Best Value Procurement <br />process moving forward for construction. <br /> <br />Mr. Brokke stated that had been considered as an option, noting the good experi- <br />ence to-date in using that process as well as cost savings realized. However, Mr. <br />Brokke stated the intent would also be to enlist the help of Arizona State Univer- <br />sity again to help, with additional costs to seek their assistance. <br /> <br />Mayor Roe stated he was supportive of the motion to proceed with preliminary <br />design work to better understand the costs and associated considerations in look- <br />ing at funding. However, before considering levy funding or bonding, Mayor Roe <br />stated he would prefer a discussion on greens fees and other potential bonding op- <br />tions. From his personal perspective, Mayor Roe stated his strong preference is to <br /> <br />