E .
<br />{.�y�������,.�. ��� �-o,���-o�;
<br />E. F ire Inspectors are responsible for the examination of buildings to detect fire hazards and
<br />�nsure that all federal, state, and local fire codes are met, and also may be responsible
<br />torplan review as directed.
<br />F. I rre Marshals are responsible for the examination of buildings to detect fire hazards and
<br />ensure that all federal state and local fire codes are met. Additional duties include fire
<br />�ode enforcement, and/or investigation of fire cause and ori�in. Thev are also
<br />c-esponsible for approval of work permits, and building�lan review to assure that all
<br />new and existin� construction meets all federal, state, and local buildin cg odes•
<br />19 See also Chapter 106 of this Code.
<br />902.03 : PERMITS REQUIRED:
<br />A permit from the ����Fire Chief or :' ���, .�-; �.,� desigilee is required to conduct
<br />the following:
<br />A. Install any automatic fire sprinkler system.
<br />B. Install any automatic fire suppression or extinguishing system. (Ord. 1060, 5-22-89)
<br />C. Modify an automatic sprinkler, fire suppression system or fire extinguishing system.
<br />(Ord. 1095, 7-22-91)
<br />D. Install any aboveground or underground liquid fuel storage tank.
<br />E. Install any aboveground or underground_liquefied gas storage tank.
<br />F. Install or modify any fire alarm detection, fire sup�ression systein, or signaling system in
<br />��tr�i�tu1��� .: ���Z� t���_t1�ll�c:� � _:� ��i.�i��7��it faini�F�izc C�ucl,. (s_r��i��� IZ _; }j7o��lties. ��
<br />.t=����t�it �:�c:��,zt 4��t--�-t�,i�l�:��ttr.r E y��°.i�i�s-c�-f;-5i-��ttt-��-zi;R-��-i����f�t�E-���+t�ti��E}a� s}��-�{�41er-�-
<br />, ����s-
<br />f�-I-;E399-8�}:
<br />G. Removal of an underground liquid fuel storage tank. (Ord. 1060, 5-22-89)
<br />H. Clean and degrease commercial hoods and ducts. (1995 Code)
<br />I. Fireworks; display and sale as pennitted by State Statute.
<br />J. O�en Burnin� (prescribed burns).
<br />A fee, as established in Section 901.06 of this Code shall be paid for each permit required by this
<br />Section. A plan check fee as authorized in Section 901.06 of this Code is required. (Ord. 1060,
<br />5- 22-89; amd. 1995 Code) (Ord. 1289, 8-4-2003, eff 1-1-2004)
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<br />�_',�7e Fire Marshal, Fire Inspector, Fire Chief or hislher desi�zee is authorized to enter and
<br />�zllnine any buildin� structure, marine vessel vehicle ar pretnises iu accordance with
<br />� SFC Section 104_3 Ri h� t of entry, for the ur ose of enforcin� this code. MSFC 106.1
<br />., t ,,° si�t, �t
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