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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, October 10, 2016 <br />Page 37 <br />Mr. Callaghan admitted he wouldn't have chosen the police department first, but <br />since it was currently on the table, he suggested considering looking at it. Mr. <br />Callaghan opined Roseville had a great department, but also opined it had prob- <br />1ems, especially when the Police Chief repeatedly told him that he won't take ac- <br />tions for a local entity breaking state law, it caused him to have a problem. <br />John O'Brien, 2103 Cohansey Blvd. <br />Also retired and on a fixed income, Mr. O'Brien noted he'd been involved with <br />his local neighborhood watch program and had coordinated it over the last few <br />years, and it had been in existence for 25 years as part of Roseville's extended <br />outreach by the Roseville Police Department. <br />Overall, Mr. O'Brien opined that the department's communication efforts are ex- <br />cellent, and their professionalism was evident as he had gotten to know the offic- <br />ers better when attending Roseville U and the Police Citizen's Academy. Mr. <br />O'Brien referenced several of the outreach efforts of the department (e.g. Coffee <br />with a Cop; Monthly Activity Summary; outreach to immigant communities; <br />Soccer Camp; and Shop with a Cop as some examples). <br />Mr. O'Brien stated that he was highly skeptical that Ramsey County can provide <br />the same high level of crime prevention and law enforcement to Roseville and ad- <br />dress Roseville-specific needs. <br />Even though he is on a fixed income, Mr. O'Brien opined some things are more <br />important than cost, and this is one of them. Mr. O'Brien further opined that citi- <br />zens were getting great value for their tax dollar, and agreed with the previous <br />speaker that the department could use more staffing to even better meet those <br />community needs. In conclusion, Mr. O'Brien opined that any financial savings <br />in switching police providers were far outweighed by the high accessibility of the <br />local and able Roseville Police Department. <br />Brad Koland, 1926 Gluek Lane <br />In his personal review of Councilmember McGehee's documentation, Mr. Koland <br />opined it had been very well done. <br />Mr. Koland provided his comparisons using 2014 information and Roseville Pa- <br />trol Officer full-time equivalency (FTE) used in the proposal and those currently <br />available in Roseville, with his calculations showing that it would actually cost <br />$10,000 more per patrol officer than the current staffing model compared to that <br />proposed by Ramsey County. Referencing Councilmember McGehee's Execu- <br />tive Summary, Mr. Koland agreed that there may be no loss of benefits or pen- <br />sions for Roseville officers, but stated he was not convinced the numbers accu- <br />rately reflected the potential loss of employrnent potential for some existing offic- <br />ers. <br />
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