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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
12/14/2016 10:56:40 AM
Creation date
11/14/2016 10:17:29 AM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, October 10, 2016 <br />Page 6 <br />Chair Groff thanked the City Council for filling the vacancies on the HRC; and <br />recognized the new commissioners for their good energy and positive participa- <br />tion. <br />Councilmember McGehee suggested a copy of the HRC video be provided to C- <br />TV for occasional play on the city channel to promote their message. <br />Mayor Roe thanked all commissioners for their ongoing service and willingness <br />to dive into these issues; and expressed his anticipation as they moved forward. <br />Recess <br />Mayor Roe recessed the meeting at approximately 6:45 p.m., and reconvened at approximately <br />p.m. <br />12. Public Hearings and Action Consideration <br />a. Public Improvement Hearing for Wheeler Street Closure Project <br />Mayor Roe recognized Assistant Public Works Director Jesse Freihammer for a <br />short presentation on the Wheeler Street closure project background, including its <br />temporary closure in 2011 as part of the redevelopment and expansion of Presby- <br />terian Homes-Johanna Shores project, scheduled for completion in the fall of <br />2016. Mr. Freihammer noted this was one of two requests brought forward to the <br />City Council to-date since adoption of the City's Traffic Management Program <br />(TMP), with detail provided in the RCA dated today's date. <br />Mr. Freihammer reviewed the multi jurisdictional nature of the project and road- <br />ways in this area as it involved both the Cities of Roseville and Arden Hills, each <br />with different processes and logistics. Mr. Freihammer noted many closure costs <br />of Wheeler Street would be borne by Presbyterian Homes as part of their expan- <br />sion, creating significant savings to the City of Roseville and residents along <br />Wheeler Street. One remaining cost would be relocation one driveway, and Mr. <br />Freihammer reviewed remaining costs, including the driveway location, and divi- <br />sion of those costs between benefiting residents and the city, in accordance with <br />the city's current Assessment Policy, but significantly reducing those costs from <br />original estimates, but yet to be determined until final construction costs are com- <br />pleted with the project itself. <br />Mr. Freihammer reviewed anticipated impacts to the neighborhood; reported on <br />three traffic studies done in the area to-date; and advised that construction on <br />County Road D had actually been started today. Mr. Freihammer advised that, if <br />and when the Roseville City Council makes their decision regarding the project, <br />that decision would be incorporated into the process. If the decision is to close <br />Wheeler Street, Mr. Freihammer anticipated approximately two weeks for signage <br />and other logistics before it could be completed. Due to seasonal considerations, <br />
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