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EXTRACT OF MINUTES 4F' MEETIN� OF THE <br />VAItIANCE BOARD OF T'HE CITY O� ROSEVILLE <br />� P��r�uant ta di►e call and notice thereof, a pubiic hearin�; ��-as helci at the re�ular n�eetin�� of t��c <br />2 VariaEice I3oard of the City of Ros�ville, Cotulty of Ramse}�. Minnesota, c�n the l�'h day of <br />� Septe�nber 2016, at �:30 p.m. <br />=; The following rnembers �vere presexlt: C11��ir Murphy �nc� Members Daire and Ciitzen <br />=; and none �i•ere absent. <br />_ Varianee I�oard Member Gitzen introduced the follov��in� reso�ution a�id �noved its adopEion; <br />V13 ItESOLUTION NO. 125 <br />7 A RF50LUTI{)N APPR4VING VARIANCES TO 120SEVILLE CITI�' C�DE SECTiON <br />1017.16 ANll 1017.26 AT 120-� [31200KS AVENUE (PF1G-025) <br />.. WHERFAS, the subj�ct propem� is assi�,�led Raniseti� Count}� Parcel ldentification <br />� i ?�umber 1(}-29-23-14-0076, and is le�ally° described as Lot �, Bl��cl: 7 Porte Park No. 2�RaEn�ey <br />�: Co«nty. Minnesata; ��id <br />� 5 WHEFZEAS, City Code � 1017. i 6 rec�uires a niinirnum principal structure setbacl: of 7� <br />�a fe�t trom tl�e Qrdinary Hi�h W'ater Levei (OHV4'L) of Wii14w Pand; and <br />�� WHE�ZEAS, ttie Cily c�f Roseville has received a valid rec��aes# for a v�,riance to this <br />��� section af the City Code to alla4�� an $' x 22' parch roof atta�hecf ta the principai struct�ir� to <br />�� stand as close as 40 Feet from th� Willov�° Pond OHV►,'L,; and <br />j_ WHEREAS, City Code 51Q17.26 li�nits impervious surtaces on shoreland properties to <br />�� 25°�0 of thc parcel area above QHi�'L; and <br />_. WHEREAS, the Citv of �Zaseville has rtceived a valid rec�uest for a variance ta tl�is <br />�� s�ction of the City Code to allo��� a#uture dri��e«,�ay e�pansior� th�t ca�ld increase inlpervious <br />�� suriaces to as much as 27% of the parcel area abo��e OHVVL: and <br />z� WHEItEAS, Cit�� Code � 1009.0� (Variances} �stablishes that t��e purpose of a variance is <br />�a '`tc� perniit adjustment to the zoning re�ula�tions ���here there are practical difficulties applyin�; to a <br />�5 par�el of land or bt�ildin� that prevent the propert�= from bei�ig used to the extent inteiicled by the <br />��� zonin�;;" and <br />�� WHEIZEAS, the Vari�nc�: Board has made th� fallo«�ing findings: <br />�� a. The p�•�ctical difficulties in this case exist because the legal, nonconfornain�, seiback <br />�� of the e�isti�g house from the OHWL makes it impossible to adequately shelter the <br />�;� existing walkout stairr��ell from rain withc�ut further �nci-oaching irlto the required <br />� � setback. <br />Page 1 of 3 <br />��� <br />