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.� b. The propvsal is consiste�it �� itii the Compr�hensi��e Plan because the proposed pareh <br />_;�+ roof a��d drive���ay adciition bath represent continued investrnent in a rc:sidentiaE property, <br />. as ad��c�c�ted b�� the Comprehensive Plan, anci if tlle storm �vater frc�rn the excc:ss <br />::_� irnpervious covera�e is Qroperl}� rniti,�ated, tlie impro��emen[s �r�i91 not compronzise th� <br />��� Comprehensive I'lan's goals of proteetin�; the c�ualit�� nf surface �vaters. <br />�: c. The proposal is in harmony ���►th the purposes and intent of the zc�ning ordinances <br />;;� because ne�ver sections of the code allotv open porches to eYtend si�nificantly into <br />:.� requircd builciing setbacks without bein� considered encroachments as they do not <br />��� contribute to the app�ar�tnee �f bui�din� mass, an�i updattd shoreland re�ulaticrns rn�ght <br />�� �vell treat apen porches sii��ilarly, Moreover, the zoning eode establishe5 tl�e ability far <br />_ shorelane� parcels to �ace�ci 2S% �mpervious covera�e, pro��ided that the mar�inal stat�m <br />-, �vater is prc�perly mitigated. <br />d. The proposal puts th� subject pc-operty to use in a reas�nable c�la�iner b�eause �v�l�:out <br />-,� base�ntnts are common on l�kefront properties, since the lots typicall�� slope do���m�rard <br />��� to���ard the lake, and it is reasonable f�r the hc�rneo���ners to install a roof o��er the existi�i� <br />a' �valk�aut access tliat ti�ou[d prewent rain «•ater from collecting in the stairvt�ell and enterii�� <br />4-� t�ie basement. <br />�t� c. There are uniqu� circu�n5tances to th� prope�y ���hich �ere nc�t er�°ated by t��e <br />�:� lando���ner because the existing house ��°ith the �valkout stair�.��eil �vas built in 196�, prior <br />�� to the adoptian of the shorelaild ordinance's increased setbacks, and a forar�er �reenh�use <br />.�: structure that once proteeted the Stairwell was removed by previous o�vners. <br />��� f. The varianee, if granted, ��rill not alter the essential character of the lacality becaus� <br />�a ocher liames in the area stand �s elose {or eloser) to Wiliow Pond thaa� the proposed open <br />_� por�h, so the addition should not �reatly affect the residentia� ch�racter of the eastern �ide <br />�+� of the lake. <br />:- '.�ft)W THEREFOR� BE 1"I' R�SULVED, b�� the Rc�se�•i�le Varianc;e Qaard, to approve <br />�� the rec�uested ��ariances to ti 1017.16 anci � 1 C117.?6 of t11e City Cude to allow the praposed porch <br />��� roc�i to encraach up t�o about 3� feet into the reqE�irec� sl�orelan�i setb�sck and to allov�� impervi��s <br />�� suri�ces an up ta 27% of the parcel area above OHWL, bas�d on the prapased plan and the <br />�� testimony uffcred at the public liearin�, and subject to tl�e followin� condition: <br />��� Prior to rec�ir�ing permits for impra��ements that ��ould increase impervious surface$ un <br />t�i the propert}• to more than 25°io of th� parce] area aba�e OHV4'I., tiTe prc�pert}� U��°ner sh;.ill <br />¢�-} satisfy the r�c�uirements of the Residential Storm Water Permit or other suita�l� <br />�� administrative process tp mitigate the excess skorm �`�atcr. <br />�_ �� The motion for the adoption of the foregoAn� rese�lution ���tis duly seconded by Varianc� <br />E, Bo��rd Mernber Daire and upran vate b�in� taken thereon. the fallo�vin� vated in favor: Gitzei3, <br />�::-; Daire, and Murphy; <br />�°� and none voted against; <br />'o WHEREt'PON said resolution wa� declared duly passed anel adapted. <br />Page ? of 3 <br />