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not establish any specific requirements/allowances for security fencing, nor <br />the allo�vance for fencing to be taller in a fror�t yard. Therefore, a Variance is <br />necessary to de��ate from the Cade requirement. Planning staff also believes <br />that the proposal to install a decorative six foot tall fence of a simalar material <br />and design to the fence standard approved on other properties in the T�tizn <br />L.�kes Redeve�opment Area (Community Mixed Use District) is also cansistent <br />with the intent of the zoning ardinance. <br />c. The proposal puts the subject pr•operty to use in a reasonable mar�r�er. <br />Planning Di�-ision concludes that it is a reasonable reque�t to seek security <br />%ncing in the front yard to distract unwanted guests from trespassing and to <br />seek such fencing at at� increas� of tv�°o feet, fram four ta six feet in height. <br />d. There are unique circumstances to the property whi�h w�re not �reated by <br />the landawner. There is nothing unique about a gropertyr o�vvner desiring to <br />install a s�curity fence to protect their in�Testment from intruders. That said <br />the Planning Division staff does find that certain aspects of the Calyxt site, <br />including the gr�enhauses and test plats, are unique enough to warrant <br />securi�• fencing that is not Code compliant in the front yard and ���hi�h is <br />unique enough to justify the approval of the requested variance. <br />e, The varfance, i.f granted, will nQt alter the essQntial character of the l�cality. <br />Str�ct compliance ��ith th� Design St�nd�rds contained. <br />WHEREAS, §ioo9.o4 (Variances) of the City Code also explains that the purgose <br />of a��ariance is "to permit adjustrII-ient to the zoning regulations where there are practical <br />difficulties apglying to a parcel of land c�r building that prevent the property from being <br />used to the e�ent i�tended by the zoning;" and <br />WHEREA,S, the Planning Division has concluded the proposal satisfies the <br />"practieal di�ct�lty" claus� and compare favarably vr�ith all af th� above requirements <br />essential for appro��ing ��ariances. <br />NOW THEREFORE BE T'�' �SOLVED, b}T the Roseville Variance Board, ta <br />approve the requested �°aria�ce to §ioii.o8 (Fences in All Distriets) of the City Code, <br />based on the abave findings, the proposed fence plan, and the testimony offered at the <br />publ�c l�eari�g, subject to the follc�rti�ing c�ndition: <br />i. The tempc�rary epoxy-coated chain-link fence being replaced ��vifh the sarr�e <br />decorati��e fen�ing should building p�rmit for the office building not be submitted or <br />issues ���thin i8 months from installation. <br />'�he motian far the adoption of the fore�oing resalution was duly seconded by <br />Variance Board 1Vlember Gitzen and upan vote being taken thereon, the following voted <br />in favor: Murphy, Daire, and Gitzen; <br />and none vot�d against; <br />WHERELIPON said resolution µ�as declared c�uly passed and adQpted. <br />