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City Council Meeting Minutes
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3/27/2017 3:53:18 PM
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1/12/2017 11:46:07 AM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
Meeting Date
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, December 5, 2016 <br />Page 13 <br />City Manager Trudgeon advised that beyond the detail provided in the RCA and <br />attachments, he and Finance Directar Miller were both available to respond to <br />questions as needed. <br />For the benefit of the public, Mayar Roe asked Finance Director Miller to display <br />several charts outlining recommended budget and levy numbers based on the City <br />Manager's Recommended Budget and revisions made based on City Council di- <br />rection and additional refinements made to assumptions as the 2016 year pro- <br />gressed (pages 1 and 2 of the RCA). At the request of Mayor Roe, Finance Direc- <br />tor Miller confirmed that $405,000 in additional reserves was proposed for use in <br />2017 to lower levy and budget impacts for Roseville taxpayers. Mayor Roe clari- <br />fied how those reserves served to mitigate levies, while retaining the projected <br />range for reserves in accordance with current city policy. <br />Councilmember Willmus pointed out an error between the narrative for the net <br />levy increase on the levy side on line 11 of the RCA and the chart, with the chart <br />accurately stating $1,046,450. <br />At the request of Councilmember Etten, Finance Director Miller reviewed capital <br />increases for 2017 in the amount of $160,000, but noted an additional $65,000 <br />had been allocated for additional pathway and parking lot maintenance for a total <br />of $225,000. <br />Councilmember McGehee referenced use of reserves in 2017 in the amount of <br />$375,000 for tax-supported programs continued in the General Fund (page 2, lines <br />39 — 40). Councilmember McGehee noted this had been the City Council's prac- <br />tice over the last three years, and even though stating they were not going to re- <br />peat that practice without paying those reserves back, an additional amount con- <br />tinued to be spent from reserves annually. Councilmember McGehee suggested <br />this process, if to continue indefinitely, be made more straightforward and trans- <br />parent for the public. <br />Councilmember Willmus referenced information provided to the City Council by <br />Finance Commission Chair Robin Schroeder that the current balance of reserve <br />accounts remained above the city's own mid-point goal (General, Parks, Commu- <br />nity Development, License Center, and Communications Funds) far a midpoint <br />goal of $3.6 million and over the maximum goal of $2.3 million. Also, during the <br />budget process and when looking at material costs, Councilmember Willmus not- <br />ed that while inflationary multipliers were built into the budget that may vary, on <br />a generalized basis, opined that the City Council typically budgeted and levied <br />beyond that inflationary point. In doing so, Councilmember Willmus noted that <br />healthy reserve balances continued; and therefore, this provided his rationale in <br />supporting spending down those reserves to bring them more in line with targets <br />and goals. Councilmember Willmus clarified that he had supporting using those <br />
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