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1/25/2017 12:06:24 PM
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1/25/2017 12:04:24 PM
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540 At the request of Vice Chair Lenz, Mr. Culver reviewed the other resident petition <br />541 received for County Road C-2 and traffic studies about traffic flow along that <br />542 roadway. Mr. Culver noted some residents were advocating for a traffic light at the <br />543 intersection of Lexington Avenue and County Road C-2; but noted the downside <br />544 of that was that more vehicles would then use that road, creating more issues for <br />545 those residents. <br />546 <br />547 As part of traffic management, Vice Chair Lenz requested review of timing of <br />548 signal lights on Snelling Avenue where it intersected with County Road C and <br />549 Lincoln Avenue. <br />550 <br />551 Mr. Culver, based on his past experience with traffic control and signal timing, <br />552 noted the challenges of those intersections and coordinating it and potential backups <br />553 from Snelling onto those east/west streets and little place for traffic to go if timing <br />554 was changed. Mr. Culver reviewed rationale with higher traffic volume corridors <br />555 and goal of signal timing to reduce the average amount of delay at the intersection <br />556 and along the entire corridor; and unfortunate results that side streets generally get <br />557 penalized and the main lines get a priority to reduce overall average delays. Mr. <br />558 Culver noted it was frus ting with delays on side streets using that philosophy <br />559 even though it served th 40 r purpose. <br />560 6h <br />561 Mr. Culver noted the intern design work being nsidered by city staff and the <br />562 City Council to address that area, proposing County Road C-2, Snelling Avenue, <br />563 Lincoln Avenue and Terrace Drive be redesigned to offload the Lincoln side and <br />564 provide higher capacity and a better option at Fairview Avenue and County Road <br />565 D by better coordinati ydia Avenue County Road C-2 and the County Road C <br />566 junctions. <br />567 <br />568C25% <br />eimerl as e who ade t e decision on the assessment split of 75% <br />569 r the Traffic Management Plan parameters. In the case of the Wheeler <br />570 re, Member Heimerl noted even those this was a restricted area for the <br />571 communty, all Roseville residents would be covering 25% of the cost for the <br />572 closure and driveway relocation, resulting in why a small number of residents <br />573 should be allowed restricted access at the cost of all. <br />574 <br />575 Mr. Culver stated he would need to further review the discussion and rationale in <br />576 developing the Traffic Management Program modeled after other communities and <br />577 developed prior to his tenure with the city, but receiving PWETC and City Council <br />578 approvals at the time. In some cased, Mr. Culver noted the improvements may be <br />579 seen as improving the quality of life for a broader area beyond those directly <br />580 benefitting from a project. <br />581 <br />582 As a resident, Member Heimerl stated he might be less inclined to spend money on <br />583 other people's road closures, when during Minnesota State Fair time, he couldn't <br />584 get out of his own driveway onto Hamline Avenue. <br />585 <br />Page 13 of 14 <br />
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