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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Finance Commission
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Finance Commission Minutes <br />December 13, 2016 – Draft Minutes <br />Page 5 of 7 <br /> <br />Chair Schroeder stated this would be a helpful tool for the joint meeting with the City Council. 182 <br /> 183 <br />Commissioner Hodder suggested taking a tour of the Park and Rec. assets including the Oval. 184 <br /> 185 <br />Finance Director Miller stated the Parks Commission will host a series of tours a couple of times 186 <br />a year and the Commission could participate in those. He would work with the department heads 187 <br />to set up tour dates. He stated the 2017 budget process had not been determined so they have not 188 <br />established if or when the department heads would make budget presentations. This is 189 <br />something that will be determined in January or February. He stated they could include a 190 <br />placeholder for these presentations in the May agenda. 191 <br /> 192 <br />Chair Schroeder stated this would be Commissioner Konidena’s last meeting. She thanked him 193 <br />for his service on the Finance Commission. 194 <br /> 195 <br /> 196 <br />Continue Discussion on a Financial Dashboard Concept 197 <br /> 198 <br />Commissioner Hodder presented a financial dashboard sample, using TABLO, to the 199 <br />Commission that would provide a visual presentation of the City’s budget, budget by actual and 200 <br />trend lines. These visual aids are helpful when looking over different years. This particular 201 <br />program requires the data to be in an Excel format. 202 <br /> 203 <br />Chair Schroeder asked how the data was entered into the program. 204 <br /> 205 <br />Commissioner Hodder stated the data was exported from Excel and if it is organized correctly 206 <br />TABLO will read it and organize it into tables and graphs. It would take time to set up the 207 <br />program but once it is setup it could be very useful in providing as much detail as a person would 208 <br />need. 209 <br /> 210 <br />Commissioner Bachhuber stated the visual information is easy to read and make comparisons. 211 <br /> 212 <br />Chair Schroeder asked if the level of detail could be restricted for different user groups. 213 <br /> 214 <br />Commissioner Hodder stated this was correct. The information provided in TABLO represents 215 <br />the same information that the documents on the website has. It is just packaged differently. 216 <br /> 217 <br />Commissioner Harold stated for this particular program there would be a large one-time cost and 218 <br />an annual fee. He asked if the vision was to have this embedded on the City’s website. 219 <br /> 220 <br />Commissioner Hodder stated the idea would be to have the view and narrative available on the 221 <br />website but the data would be set. 222 <br /> 223 <br />Chair Schroeder asked what system the City currently uses internally. 224 <br /> 225 <br />Item #3: Attachment A
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