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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, January 09, 2017 <br />Page 18 <br />Mayor Roe opined it would help to have the discipline to identify ineetings as <br />work sessions to avoid action items on those nights that could prolong meetings <br />fiirther. Specific to institutional history, Mayor Roe opined that it was iinportant <br />not to get into past habits developed before his tenure on the City Council, where <br />work sessions provided some an opportunity to fill that time with topics not rele- <br />vant to the priorities of the Council and City and some of those topics not neces- <br />sarily well-vetted beforehand. However, Mayor Roe opined that this city council <br />was more focused and held substantive discussions; and further opined that pick- <br />ing designated work session meetings was an improvement. Mayor Roe stated <br />that he could not support adding more frequent or shorter meetings for work ses- <br />sions. <br />Councilineinber McGehee stated that she and soine residents found it confusing <br />when action was taken at a work session when it was understood prior to that that <br />the purpose was only for discussion of that itein and that no action would be talc- <br />en. Councilmeinber McGehee noted this had been her intent in her earlier sugges- <br />tion to pick a specific topic or topics ahead of time to provide public notice and <br />allow an open dialogue between residents and their elected representatives, inost <br />effectively at a work session, and allowing those interested in a particular topic or <br />presentation to attend and share their thoughts or opinions, allowing them to en- <br />gage in a ineaningful way with their governinent. <br />Mayor Roe noted one model for that dialogiie would have been the recent pet <br />shop licensing discussion, with two different occasions for feedbacic and dialog�.ie. <br />However, Mayor Roe opined that it remained challenging for the City Council on <br />how best to conduct that dialogiie and not allowing some inembers of the public <br />continuous participation rather than the decision-makers talcing action. Mayor <br />Roe questioned if every work session needed that dialogue component, when the <br />public had an opportunity for input on most issues at some point. <br />Councilmember Etten stated his understanding Councilmember McGehee's inter- <br />est in and past discussions about the City Council leaving the Council Chambers <br />to be more approachable, whether annually or semi-annually. However, for to- <br />night's focus, Councilmember Etten opined that if the discussion was in inalcing <br />ineetings more efficient, that continual didn't work with that goal. <br />Councilmeinber Etten stated that he was open to ways for that dialogue to occur <br />outside ineeting tiine whether by individual council meinbers, but not resulting in <br />the goal of fiirther lengthening potential meeting times or extending them as part <br />of the regular format and function. <br />While being open to moving off-site, Councilmember McGehee noted the chal- <br />lenges with caineras and transparency. <br />Mayor Roe suggested fiirther thought and follow-up on it as a separate issue from <br />tonight's focus. <br />
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