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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, January 09, 2017 <br />Page 17 <br />coinment portion of the meeting. Councihnember McGehee opined that the pub- <br />lic should be able to ask a question or seek rationale for a vote and receive a re- <br />sponse at that time rather than having to wait; thus providing a learning oppor- <br />tunity for all parties. Councilinember McGehee expressed hope that if ineetings <br />became more efficient, there may be time for that to occur and provide for that <br />open dialogue. Councilmember McGehee also noted the number of topics <br />brought to the city's attention via einail, phone call or other means allowing their <br />elected officials to hear what their constituents thought. Councilmember McGe- <br />hee opined that to her dialogue was the most important missing piece in actions <br />froin the dais; and sought a way to create opporninities for that to happen. <br />Councihnember Willmus stated that his perspective on work sessions was differ- <br />ent and more closely mirrored the suggestions inade by City Manager Trudgeon, <br />in that the allowed an opportunity for the City Council to have more in-depth <br />presentations and discussions with staff on various issues coming before thein. If <br />the desire is for listening sessions with the corrununity, Councilmeinber Willinus <br />agreed with that idea, but his idea of a work session format was for that more in- <br />depth, to-the-point and less formal discussion and interaction with staff, or <br />presentations affording more inforination on upcoming decisions. Regarding City <br />Councilmember-initiated discussions, Councihnember Willmus questioned if all <br />of them rose to the level of needing to be put off for a month or inore, opining that <br />soine things that pop up may require immediate action by the City Council; and <br />suggesting maintaining soine flexibility to do so, providing a recent exainple oc- <br />curring over the last weekend. <br />Councilmember Etten stated his appreciation in holding work sessions, and <br />agreed to place more or similar things on them when possible. Specific to Coun- <br />cihnember Willmus' point on City Councilmember-initiated items, Councilmem- <br />ber Etten noted the City Council itself coulcl define whether or not an item was <br />pressing. As an example, Councilmember Etten noted things now placed on the <br />bacic of future agenda reports that continue to be listed; and considering when best <br />to look at those iteins if and when time-sensitive and on a case-by-case basis. As <br />for moving ineeting tiines up any earlier, Councilmember Etten advised that it <br />would be difficult for him professionally and for his family for meetings to start <br />consistently earlier; and questioned how that would accomplish any efficiency <br />goals. <br />Mayor Roe agreed with not starting meetings earlier, noting most area City Coun- <br />cil ineetings didn't start unti17:00 p.m., allowing Roseville to get a one-hour head <br />start. However, Mayor Roe suggested focus seemed the key to hiin; and suggest- <br />ed at least one of four meetings in January and February was a worlc session or <br />even a portion of one meeting when fewer meeting dates were available. Mayor <br />Roe encouraged the Council to discipline itself to always have a work session- <br />focused meeting at least monthly; opining they were getting closer than they had <br />been in the past. While any regular meeting could be inore focused on discussion, <br />