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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, January 09, 2017 <br />Page 22 <br />Councilmember Etten noted that if simply handed out by City Manager Trudgeon, <br />there should be no need to read things off unless there were specific questions at <br />that tiine. <br />Mayor Roe suggested if a routine was established and feedback provided subse- <br />quent to receiving the fut�ire agenda items listed, both items 10 and 11 could be <br />covered as one. <br />Without Objection, council members agreed to combine items 10 and 11 (At- <br />tachinent A). <br />Further discussion ensued regarding item 7 and the order; with Mayor Roe noting <br />the preference is for the public versus staff to leave early. However, Mayor Roe <br />noted with some flexibility, items could be identified for adjustment on the agen- <br />da early at each meeting for adjustinent to that particular agenda as indicated. <br />Pre-Packet <br />Councihnembers Willmus and McGehee stated they were not interested in the <br />pre-pacicets. <br />While not necessarily wanting to continue the pre-packets, Mayor Roe clarified <br />that it was nice to have soine of that infonnation ahead of time to provide staff <br />with some feedbacic, even though inost of iteins provided in pre-packets to-date <br />were not always the pressing topics of the time. Therefore, Mayor Roe suggested, <br />for those big issues, staff provide infonnation as it becomes available for council <br />inember review. <br />Councilmember Etten agreed that if staff knew of a bigger issue and has infor- <br />ination available that could get the city council more focused on the issues they <br />provide that infonnation to allow more time to look thins over. <br />Without Objection, council members agreed. <br />City Council Meinber Responsibilities <br />City Manager Trudgeon noted his comments in this section were simply provided <br />as food for thought. <br />Councilmember Laliberte clarified that there were times when she asked a ques- <br />tion to include it as part of the conversation, whether for her benefit or because it <br />has been brought to her by a meinber of the public. <br />Mayor Roe clarified that there would always be an opportunity for questions on <br />each topic, but noted that some of the inore inconsequential questions could be <br />asked off line. <br />