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itegular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, January 09, 2017 <br />Page 23 <br />Councilmember Etten opined that Mayor Roe, as manager of the meetings, served <br />in an unusual role; and noted in order to lceep the meeting moving forward, indi- <br />vidual council ineinbers needed to be open to his attempts to keep things moving. <br />Councilmeinber Etten opined that repetition was not necessary, and only served to <br />spend a lot of tiine with no new discussion or new information presented. In <br />those circumstances, Councilmeinber Etten opined that the mayor needed to step <br />in and say "enough" and be respected by his colleagues when doing so. <br />Stricter adherence to times listed on the a eg nda <br />Discussion ensued regarding the allotted times shown on the agenda for each top- <br />ic, while recognizing the need for the city council to be self-disciplined or provide <br />a check-in as to whether to continue discussion, table the item or move forward <br />with a motion if applicable. <br />Further discussion ensued regarding time periods (e.g. 15 minutes, 50 ininutes, <br />etc.) versus an actual time; and challenges with and fi-�,istrations of people not <br />showing up for the meeting time of 6:00 p.m. and instead using the projected <br />times on the agenda as their gl.iide, and often frustrated with earlier or delayed <br />consideration of their item of interest. <br />After further consideration, without objection, with the public portion of the <br />agenda moved to the front of the meeting (Attachment A), staff was directed to <br />keep the tiines on the agenda, but also have a check-in for progress for items as <br />applicable. <br />Flexible Public Comment Time <br />Councilmember McGehee opined that she liked the way public coinment is cur- <br />rently done; allowing people a reasonable expectation that they can inake their <br />point one or more times if they felt they weren't properly heard the first time. <br />Councilmember McGehee noted the recent changes made for land use cases if and <br />when needed. However, Councilmember McGehee stated she had no problem <br />limiting those making repetitive points or suggesting one spokesperson for their <br />group; and perhaps limiting those types of cliscussions to three versus five minutes <br />in length. <br />Councilmember Willinus stated he'd be willing to loolc at ein�loying soine op- <br />tions on a trial basis. Councilmember Wilhnus stated his frustration in soine <br />speakers appearing 2-3 times for the same issue, or public testimony reaching a <br />point of counterpoint for both sides. With public comment also provided for non- <br />agenda iteins at the front of the agenda, Councilmember Willmus stated his inter- <br />est in maintaining a nexus between the fiinction of city business and not using <br />public comment as a tool to further individual or group initiatives that may or may <br />not be directly related to the city as a whole. <br />