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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, January 09, 2017 <br />Page 26 <br />To Councilmember McGehee's point, Mayor Roe noted that discussion was nec- <br />essary before calling a motion, providing an opportunity for amendment or <br />change accordingly; whether based on individual comments or staff's perspective. <br />Mayor Roe suggested trying that practice, and offered to tracic amendinents better. <br />Councilmember Laliberte noted that the practice didn't need to be perfect, and <br />opined that the City Council lcnew which items were not ready for a inotion with- <br />out prior discussion. <br />Staff Presentations <br />Councihnember Etten stated he was on middle ground on this, using code viola- <br />tions as an example, opining that could be covered with one slide. However, us- <br />ing another exainple of a MnDOT presentation, Councilmember Etten stated he <br />didn't want to shorten that presentation to the point where the public couldn't un- <br />derstand a project. Therefore, Councilmember Etten opined this fell to staff to <br />find a way,to get information to the public as well as the City Council; defining <br />those items of importance and how best to portray that infonnation and under- <br />standing of background material. <br />Councilmember Laliberte concurred to soine extent, but suggested not liiniting <br />slides, but insteacl reviewing what information was needed to best understand a <br />topic, issue or project. Councilmeinber Laliberte agreed that she didn't need the <br />staff report read to her, but instead preferred an executive summary of the infor- <br />ination displayed on the screen; with any additional infonnation outside the slides <br />provided in staff's presentation. <br />Mayor Roe suggested more bullet points and visuals/graphics on slides for the <br />City Council and the public to help fraine up the issue, identify the decision to be <br />made, and then turn the topic over for questions. <br />Councilmember Willmus agreed with the corrunents of Councilmember Laliberte, <br />noting the infonnation contained in the power points didn't need each and every <br />slide read, but boiled down into an executive suminary; and if available ahead of <br />time, provided to the City Council and public so all can come prepared for discus- <br />sion and questions. <br />Mayor Roe opined that if the information was provided in the presentation but not <br />in the report, something was wrong; and therefore, he'd argl,ie against more power <br />points, but more succinct information for those viewing from home. <br />Again, Councilmember McGehee suggested that when staff makes their presenta- <br />tion, they slide a map over of the area being talked about, or other pertinent in- <br />formation to infonn the discussion and presentation. <br />