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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, January 09, 2017 <br />Page 25 <br />Councilmember Laliberte clarified that froin her perspective, if the only testimony <br />opportunity was at another ineeting, they should not be prechided from speaking <br />here, but if there are minutes available from previous city council meetings and <br />part of that discussion, a statement could be made by the inayor that if you've <br />spoken before, your comments are in the packet as a mater of public record, and <br />therefore that spealcer should yield to someone else. <br />Mayor Roe suggested, as part of his instr�.ictions, besides noting the availability of <br />Planning Coinmission ineeting minutes and/or previous City Council public <br />coininent, alerting the public that those materials are available for the public as <br />well, and the relevant portion of ineeting minutes, especially anticipating those <br />land use iteins, along with the staff report and attachments if for a particular area <br />of interest. <br />Without objection, Mayor Roe stated his intent to allot three minutes for second <br />comments on an issue versus five minutes if they come back before the body and <br />if and when a previous opportunity for public comment has been provided. <br />Rosenberg's Rules of Order <br />As previously addressed tonight, City Manager Tn.idgeon noted the frequent re- <br />petitive discussion before and after a inotion; but by using Rosenberg's Rules, a <br />motion should be put on the table before discussion. Mr. Trudgeon noted this <br />would require forethought coming into the meeting, but suggested inore discipline <br />in following that procedure on a inore regt.ilar basis. <br />Mayor Roe suggested that as a starting point the staff-recommended motion could <br />be put on the table, even if the inakers of the inotion are not 100% in agreeinent <br />with the proposed inotion or language. <br />Councilmeinber Laliberte agreed that it would make for a better meeting to get <br />the inotions on the table before discussion, with one discussion following and <br />statements of support or opposition. <br />Councilmember McGehee opined that she found advanced discussion often pro- <br />vided for a better motion, especially for more complicated items that she wasn't <br />sure of her colleagues' thoughts prior to that discussion, and allowing her to get <br />an idea of what the inotion should be. <br />Councilinember Etten recognized Councilineinber McGehee's point, but suggest- <br />ed trying this out and seeing how the flow went. While it may become a tracking <br />issue if there were multiple amendments to a inotion, Councilmember Etten noted <br />the result inay instead be that it gets to a decision quicker, whether or not a mo- <br />tion was refined from staff's recominended motion or made independently by an <br />individual council members. <br />