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City Council Meeting Minutes
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3/2/2017 8:57:10 AM
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3/2/2017 8:49:53 AM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,January 23, 2017 <br /> Page 12 <br /> Mayor Roe suggested a response card or other option to ask questions that could <br /> prove self-engaging of attendees before, during and after those meetings. <br /> City Council Meetings <br /> Ms. Major noted these dates will remain flexible throughout the process, and sug- <br /> gested, with agreement by Mayor Roe, that these meeting could use topical ques- <br /> tions or concentrated discussions as well. <br /> Community-wide Public Meetings <br /> At the request of Councilmember McGehee, Mr. Lloyd clarified that the city's <br /> Communications Department staff was holding a place in each upcoming City <br /> News edition — depending on tonight's direction from the City Council — to in- <br /> clude information on the comprehensive plan update process. <br /> Given the timing for September/October public meetings, Councilmember <br /> Willmus suggested narrowing that timeframe after Labor Day and before MEA <br /> weekend to facilitate those residents going south for the winter months. <br /> Ms. Major added that reminder for the team to be aware of that suggestion closer <br /> to scheduling that meeting. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte asked for more information on what was intended at a <br /> workshop, such as scheduled at the Fairview Community Center; and how input <br /> was collected and documented. <br /> Ms. Major reported that there would be very little presentation done at the first <br /> meeting beyond answering key questions and telling people why they're there. <br /> Ms. Major advised that the intent was to initiate interactive participation, through <br /> exercises people did when arriving, small group exercises, and providing options <br /> for people to talk to each other and the consultant team. Ms. Major advised that <br /> this was part of the important process for the Roseville community to own the re- <br /> sults of their planning efforts. In response to Councilmember Laliberte, Ms. Ma- <br /> jor advised that the information was gathered from self-information boards, com- <br /> ment cards, notes taken by the team throughout the room through questions and <br /> reporting back, and scanning or photographing displays, all of which would be- <br /> come part of the public record posted on the comprehensive plan website. <br /> Councilmember Etten asked about the choice of location at a school facility ver- <br /> sus a city-owned facility such as the Skating Center. Councilmember Etten <br /> opined that the location may create a perception and identify who was running the <br /> event or activity. <br /> Ms. Major clarified that the location remained a question mark at this point; with <br /> the need identified to allow enough meeting space and parking for the expected <br /> attendance, as yet to be better defined. <br />
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