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3/29/2017 9:25:15 AM
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3/29/2017 9:17:30 AM
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Roseville PWET Commission Meeting Minutes <br />Page 9, February 28, 2017 <br />367 like to move in concert with the watershed districts as well as any other <br />368 authorities to make it easier to manage things from a regulatory perspective rather <br />369 than having four different sets of rules. Therefore, Mr. Freihammer suggested the <br />370 first step may be for a listening session of those parties to inform a process <br />371 moving forward. <br />372 <br />373 Member Wozniak noted that several individual members of the PWETC were <br />374 open to a more aggressive policy; but also noted the need to defer to watershed <br />375 districts as the experts in the field, questioning why the city would choose to take <br />376 a leadership role outside of their expertise. Theref e, Member Wozniak <br />377 suggested that the city work with them to seek a gressive stance in <br />378 controlling stormwater, which should help achieve goal or at least move in <br />379 that direction. <br />380 Public Com e <br />381 An unidentified speaker (off microphone) i u ience s ted incentives in <br />382 addressing residential driveways by insta ion o rain gardens w *aiseed <br />er possible <br />383 to help mitigate drainage on their pro The eaker stated thproperty <br />384 was over the 35% impervious coverage permit ar he speaker that he <br />385 had considered putting in a rain garden to capture more, but at this time didn't do <br />386 so as their was no incentiveencourage him to do anything. However, if there <br />387 was an incentive for residents, eaker opined that would be helpful, whether <br />388 or not it was feasible for the cit <br />389 Oe <br />390 In response to the unidentifie3sk u rks Director Culver advised <br />391 that the city ha nted water ere program several years ago; but <br />392 clarified tho wasn essended for residential properties since their <br />393 annual stormwater man ment fees winimal to begin with (approximately <br />394 $44/year). However, for c mmerci properties, Mr. Culver reported that <br />395 stormwater management mitiAcould result in hundreds of dollars in fee <br />396 credits, thus creating more of an incentive; thus the city's implementation of the <br />397 credit program for commercial Pproperties installing a BMP to make the project <br />398 larger than neede o obtain redit for the portion not required and as an incentive. <br />399 While the city had emptEto incent BMP's in the past, Mr. Culver agreed with <br />400 the speaker that te wasn't much incentive for residential properties. Mr. <br />401 Culver noted that ne concern he had with rain gardens as a mitigation for <br />402 residential',Noperties currently over their maximum 30% impervious coverage <br />403 was that at some point in the future, property owners may change and the new <br />404 owner may dot have the same interests in maintaining the BMP. Even though the <br />405 city has a five-year inspection process for BMP's to ensure their maintenance, Mr. <br />406 Culver noted that a lot could happen during that timeframe that impacted the <br />407 overall city stormwater drainage system. With commercial properties, Mr. Culver <br />408 noted that they had more resources to maintain stormwater management systems. <br />409 <br />410 7. Items for Next Meeting — March 28, 2017 <br />411 <br />
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