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3/29/2017 9:25:15 AM
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3/29/2017 9:17:30 AM
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Roseville PWET Commission Meeting Minutes <br />Page 10, February 28, 2017 <br />412 Discussion ensued regarding upcoming agendas beyond those listed in the staff <br />413 report; including future tax increment financing (TIF) update and education for <br />414 the PWETC (March agenda) and as part of the broader Capital Improvement <br />415 Program (CIP) overview; election of officers (April agenda); and digging deeper <br />416 into stormwater management concerns as per tonight's discussion. <br />417 <br />418 Chair Cihacek expressed interest in staff providing the PWETC with copies of <br />419 current policies for residential and commercial stormwater management, <br />420 including city code, watershed district(s) requirements, and other regulatory arena <br />421 considerations and mandates. Chair Cihacek stated ththis included current <br />422 gaps, areas that were more or less restrictive, and other ' oughts to start that <br />423 conversation (April or May agenda). At the request ember Seigler, staff was <br />424 asked to also provide any old or new regulation n e new U. S. President <br />425 that may be revised or anything in city code t was vant and/or needing <br />426 review to determine if still valid. <br />427 <br />428 To save meeting time, Chair Cihacek gested itNividual com*coents <br />s do that <br />429 research and review outside of the meeting and then ring any and/or <br />430 suggestions to the PWETC when that discussion was scheduled on a future <br />431 agenda, especially if they foy anything outdated or needing revision. <br />432 <br />433 Mr. Culver noted that many code provisions fell under the Planning <br />434 Commission umbrella As part of tftMr. Culver referenced the city's <br />435 subdivision ordinance currently under rOFiJWV revisions, including that section <br />436 of code and others tha�y be invo d. At thijtime, Mr. Culver noted that city <br />437 code included detail ngineering equirements for new developments and <br />438 subdivisions; with the current revision ing that language from ordinance and <br />439 putting it into a more manageable engi ring manual to allow more flexibility in <br />440 mak,,WIMJI&es and updates fmodern practices outside of an ordinance <br />441me formal public hearing. Mr. Culver noted that this made city code <br />442 eaner and less complex. <br />443 <br />444 Iver notedfit� <br />pco ing discussion (April agenda) for the PWETC would <br />445 be the transportatiIan update as part of the larger comprehensive plan update; <br />446 with propo*ould <br />r this week for a consultant to guide the work anticipated <br />447 to be underct by late March or April with the PWETC then asked to engage <br />448 in that proAt the request of Chair Cihacek, Mr. Culver clarified that the <br />449 consultantidentify whichPWETC meetings would be targeted for public <br />450 input as part of that process; with staff working in conjunction with them to <br />451 identify which PWETC meetings made the most sense in the overall process. Mr. <br />452 Culver noted that this update would coincide with public engagement efforts and <br />453 other public meetings for the comprehensive plan update. Mr. Culver noted that <br />454 there would also be electronic surveys for this process, hoping for a better success <br />455 rate than with that of the CS WMP process. At that point, Mr. Culver advised that <br />456 a draft would be provided for the PWETC and public to respond to at a formal <br />457 public hearing, anticipated for late summer or early fall. <br />
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