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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, March 20, 2017 <br />Page 18 <br />the Park Dedication fund could be used that needed to be adhered to in any situa- <br />tion. <br />Page 8 <br />Mayor Roe agreed with the suggestion to remove any references to city staff sala- <br />ries and refer to the fee schedule. <br />Chapter 1104.06 <br />At the request of Mayor Roe, Mr. Lloyd advised that this suggestion was as a re- <br />sult of the recent Ramsey County Survey workshop attended by staff related to <br />appropriate signature lines for plats being recorded and the need to allow for <br />property owner signatures sufficient for those being sold between preliminary and <br />final plat recording. <br />After further discussion and deliberation, it was determined that the subdivision <br />code reference this requirement, but clarified that the City was not responsible for <br />the property owner's recording of documents. <br />Under advice by City Attorney Gaughan, while the city has the responsibility to <br />make sure properties transfer legally and not trip up transactions, he noted it was <br />an issue for the property owner. City Attorney Gaughan stated support for refer- <br />ence to Ramsey County in code to this affect, but not to specifically address it be- <br />yond protecting the city to make sure plats are recorded properly. <br />Pae 8 (other) <br />Councilmember McGehee noted her natural interest in tree preservation that she <br />continued to find amazingly unsuccessful to -date. <br />At the request of Councilmember McGehee specific to solar orientation, Mr. <br />Lamb referenced some of the ideas provided form other communities, while rec- <br />ognizing that green infrastructure continued to evolve. Mr. Lamb provided some <br />examples from the City of St. Paul toward those efforts (e.g. stormwater park) and <br />how parks and open space continued to change, as well as solar orientation as an <br />owner issue. Mr. Lamb noted the differences for Roseville as a fully -developed <br />community versus a newer community with those things more challenging to be <br />addressed accordingly (e.g. solar orientation and existing tree canopies). <br />Councilmember McGehee stated her interest in green infrastructure and use of <br />stormwater ponding to provide for space versus underground tank installation, <br />creating amenities for parks and open space. <br />Mr. Lamb recognized that this subdivision code was a revision and intended as an <br />update, and could not do everything for everybody. However, Mr. Lamb suggest- <br />ed that is could be more active in focusing on redevelopment and connectivity, in- <br />cluding rethinking stormwater requirements as a public amenity. <br />