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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
4/20/2017 2:41:22 PM
Creation date
4/20/2017 2:40:28 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, March 20, 2017 <br />Page 17 <br />Mayor Roe suggested the intent may be to expand the definition of land contribu- <br />tion that could be beyond a specific plot of land, but involve trail connections. <br />Mr. Lamb agreed that was the intent, and used several examples in Roseville (e.g. <br />McCarron's Lake area or Old National Guard Annory parcel) as examples of <br />larger tracts of land that could be subdivided, and possibly include another street <br />with a possible trail to connect with the existing system. <br />Councilmember Willmus questioned if that didn't lead to situations with addition- <br />al land being donated to areas of the city that already have built -out park and trail <br />infrastructure, limiting the ability to capture dollars to use in areas of the city <br />without as many amenities available. <br />While each would be considered on a case by case basis, Mr. Lamb advised that <br />the focus using existing policies, would be to determine how this code as one of <br />many city tools, could be used to improve connectivity throughout the communi- <br />ty. Mr. Lamb noted that the comprehensive plan now separated the city into six- <br />teen districts, some of which had no park, and others having limited park space <br />(e.g. Twin Lakes Redevelopment Area). Mr. Lamb noted the need for more <br />sidewalks and amenities to provide synergy in connecting around lakes and de- <br />velopment parcels. While agreeing that it differed by location, Mr. Lamb sug- <br />gested a guiding master plan or park/trail document to help the city code reach its <br />purpose. <br />Councilmember Willmus spoke against such guiding documents; opining that <br />there were areas in the community without that infrastructure, but could allow <br />them to acquire property on the other side of town. <br />Mayor Roe noted that the dollars could still be part of this; with Mr. Lamb con- <br />curring that it was intended as one other option. <br />Councilmember Willmus stated that he didn't want to eliminate steering each ap- <br />plication to the Parks & Recreation Commission for a recommendation, which he <br />considered being set in place if this was pursued. <br />Mayor Roe opined that this simply provided more options on the land side of the <br />equation, and clarified that ultimately land decisions lay with the city, noting that <br />the city didn't need to approve any land donations that it didn't want. <br />Councilmember McGehee spoke in support of having more options available, and <br />therefore including that as a tool in the subdivision ordinance. <br />Mayor Roe noted that it didn't need to be an either/or situation, but could be a <br />combination. Mayor Roe further clarified that there were limits on how money in <br />
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