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City Council Meeting Minutes
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4/20/2017 2:41:22 PM
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4/20/2017 2:40:28 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, March 20, 2017 <br />Page 2 <br />Mr. Hromatka responded that the organization would continue moving ahead with <br />what was now known and hold its breath pending additional or repealed legisla- <br />tion. Mr. Hromatka noted that mental health was a bi-partisan issue and stated his <br />confidence that the State of MN would not turn its back on school-based mental <br />health services and programs. <br />Councilmember Laliberte stated that, as always, it was good to have this annual <br />update on NYFS from Mr. Hromatka; and expressed the city's pleasure in being <br />able to participate in the organization. <br />Specific to the NETS Program, Mayor Roe noted that more people could be <br />served if there was a greater capacity to do so; further noting that the need was <br />obviously there and NYFS a unique supplier of that service. While the NYFS <br />Board has strong interests in expanding the program, Mayor Roe noted the limita- <br />tions due to unavailable resources. Mayor Roe asked Mr. Hromatka for his <br />thoughts on how not just to grow the organization to become bigger as its accom- <br />plishment, but how best to wisely and best serve the community. Mayor Roe not- <br />ed that this continued to be a goal of the Board in developing a strategic plan for <br />the NYFS organization. <br />Mr. Hromatka concurred, advising that NYFS did well now with the Roseville <br />Area Middle School Day Program. However, while requests have been received <br />for a similar Elementary Program, Mr. Hromatka stated his belief that it couldn't <br />work under that business model, as the ratio for Middle School was 8 kids for 1 <br />adult verses 2 to 1 required for elementary kids. Until the industry found a way <br />was fund such a program, Mr. Hromatka noted how difficult it would be to ad- <br />dress that need. <br />Mayor Roe noted that the success of NYFS in being on the leading edge was not <br />only in addressing mental health issues but also in development of the individual <br />as well. Mayor Roe stated that he couldn't emphasize enough the uniqueness of <br />NYFS, anticipating a continued successful model going forward. <br />Noting the attendance in tonight's audience of Roseville Police Chief Mathwig, <br />Mr. Hromatka thanked him and his department for their participation in a basket- <br />ball league for Diversion and Mental Health recipients from NYFS and their in- <br />teraction with them. <br />Mr. Hromatka thanked the city for their willingness to partner with NYFS in those <br />efforts. <br />b. Receive Update on Rental Licensing Program <br />Community Development Director Kari Collins referenced the staff report of to- <br />day's date, providing an overview of the city's 3.5 years of operation with its mul- <br />ti -family rental license program. Ms. Collins also provided a report on the recent <br />
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